04 - Mutual Weaknesses

Start from the beginning

Early in the morning, too early in the morning Jin woke up throat screaming for some water so he went to get a glass of it in which he notice Yoongi, the first man of whom he threw his first ever punch to, sleeping on the couch of the living room.

Jin do his business quietly as he didn't want to be in the situation of where he needs to annoy himself even more that it is so early in the morning, sky still dark as dark as the night.

Just before he get into his room, he notice something is wrong. His body and his kindness couldn't shake off the thought and feeling of it.

Yoongi is burning. Jin knows the moment he is closer to him. He absolutely feels like shit that maybe he lost his cool and did worse that he planned to, to Yoongi.

When he was younger, no not that. In his entire life, his parents and even his brother never taught him of how to control his power properly. Unlike any other household where the parents teach their kids since the first time they got the power, his family wasn't.

His parents, both of his father and mother never interfere with his and his brother's powers. They believe to be someone who are capable and responsible of themselves, the child need to discover it alone.

It's actually the realest believe because that is what it is stated on the books of every known elementals story. Jin knows he will eventually burn himself if he tries to bring down the temperature of the situation but he is also know that he is capable of not to if he did the right thing.

The easiest move is, he sets him hand onto Yoongi's hand. It burns the first time he did that but as he focus, he didn't seems to focus on the pain, rather he focus to bring down the temperature. The mixture of blue glow together with white seep through from his hand to Yoongi's hand.

Jin didn't force his body to use more power as he knows he isn't in control of that so he works with slow and steady power of ice of his. Surprisingly it took him a little over an hour to bring down the temperature.

He rose unsteadily on his feet after using his power and get back to his room before anyone could see him. Jin didn't take so long to fall asleep as the tiredness consuming him.


Again, he woke up late. Worst it is the same class again with Sir In Yoo. He didn't notice his schedule the night before that he actually has the class with Sir In Yoo thrice a week. No doubt that power balancing is important but three classes in five days, wow, a lot since each class with him last for two to three hours.

Jin silently blaming Jungkook in his head even though it is not the latter's fault. Well to Jin, Jungkook actually holds a little part of him being late to the class. They live in the same dorm for heaven's sake.

Jungkook could at least annoyed the hell out of him, knocking the door of his room when he notice that Jin is not yet to come out from his room for their class. But, apparently he didn't so now Jin is late, running through the hallway.

Actually Jin didn't know that using his power for some time would cost him that tired. Maybe he should learn more of controlling his energy at the same time when he use his power. After all his classes end for today, Jin plans to call his father to ask for some advise.

When Jin enter the class, Sir In Yoo shots him a cold glares. Maybe he is annoyed with him coming late to his class two days in row. As Jin enters the class, the other students are working with their partner for the lesson, he notice Jungkook sits alone.

Partially Jin is guilty for making the man works on his own but now maybe he should pay more attention to Sir In Yoo as he come face to face in front of the educator.

"I'm deeply sorry for my behaviour, I will be reflecting for this" Jin apologises to the educator.

"This academy is for the best out of the best, your behaviour towards me, towards my class and towards your classmates shows that you didn't appreciate getting the chance to be here" the educator says.

Something in his words hurt Jin. The educator meant his words well and Jin is going to prove to him that he is thankful for the opportunity he gets and he will bring out the best out of him to show that he really appreciate for the opportunity he get.

"I'm sorry sir, this will not happening again in the future" Jin replies.

"It better be that way otherwise I will have to kick you out from my class, reporting you to the Academic Affairs for this" he states obviously giving warning to Jin.

Jin nods at that, it is understandable if it's happened.

"Go take your seat and work with Jungkook, he's been practicing alone without his partner" he adds.

Jin bows a bit and walks to the empty seat next to Jungkook.

Long short story before the power balancing class come to an end for that day, Sir In Yoo announce to the class that he will choose three pairs to see their progress for the next class which is in two days. And, among the three pairs, Jin and Jungkook are there.


Jin didn't expect that it will be this fast for the demand but again, Mosun Academy is the best academy out there so with how they teach and train their students, their methods only scream success.

"Consultation hours start from 2.00 pm until 6.00 pm. If you need help or advise or anything regarding this matter, feel free to see me during the time, thank you, you may go to your other classes"

Okay first of all Jin needs to work together with Jungkook with or without their liking because Jin's life in the academy depended on this. Well maybe not but sort of.

"We are going to practice after the class, don't be late" Jungkook states to Jin.

"I can't, I have another two classes for today, maybe we can work together after that?" Jin replies.

"What time does your classes end?" Jungkook asks back.

"4" Jin says.

"Okay then, I'll be waiting" Jungkook replies and they part ways.

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