Chapter 9: Combat Training Part 2

Start from the beginning

At last, something out of the ordinary comes into view from the darkness. Last I checked, I think that minion is scanning the fourth floor. My instant curiosity gets the better of me and I have the minion peek around. It's met with Auxi's smiling face a little ways from the corner holding her straps like horse reigns.

"Surprise!" she calls. She whips the long bandages, having them do a wave effect. The slight breeze from them makes the vision fizz for a brief second. "Hey, wait, you're not either of the boys. Seshin's ghost!" She blankly stares at my minion. She then must realize that I'm watching her, because she sticks her tongue out and sends me a taunting face.

How mature. I hold the button on my earpiece. "Tojuta, Auxi's on the fourth floor."

"I'm on my way!" I hear him call back as Auxi continues to make faces like a child would to a security camera scanning the room they're in.

"Hey!" She continues to yell. "Just to let you know, you already took an L when you were assigned to your team! Ooooh!!" She exclaims at her own cringy roast as I roll my eyes. "Get ready to lose, boys; you already have my partner coming after you!"

. . . Okay. . . Thanks for the warning. Who does that?? It's almost like she wants her team to lose, because she literally just sold out her partner.

"Hey! Stop where you are!" Tojuta yells at Auxi, and I turn my attention to the other half of the flame to see my other minion staring at her and my first minion.

"Oh, shoot," Auxi breathes.

I suddenly hear a noise in front of me. Samae. "Kuiru, I'm sorry man, but I'm gonna need my flames back."

"Uh! Al-alright! I'll try my best over here."

"Thanks." With that, I extinguish all my flames. I take a deep breath, pull my bandanna over my mouth, then cross my arms. "Show yourself, hero!" Man, thought I'd never say that.

"Grh!" Samae sounds strangled from my call. He steps out in front of the doorway. "How'd you know?"

"I predicted it and your partner sold you out."

"She did what?!?" He shouts. He repeatedly stomps his foot in frustration. "Why!?!"

Going off Midoriya's thoughts about allying agencies, it can be frustrating when your new assigned partner is dumb as a brick, huh?

"Gah! You know what? Who cares?" Samae growls. "Serving justice to criminals like you with or without a dumb partner! I can take you surprise attack or no!"

"Guess we won't get to see the prior, but with this option, I'd like to see you try." I unfold my arms and summon my five flames behind me in a circle as I taunt him.

"Let's go, evildoer," he growls in a threatening manner and instantly sinks into the shadow.

Frantically glancing around the room, I realize that our roof proof room is pretty dark unlike Iida's and Bakugo's room, putting me at a disadvantage.

"So tell me, Sharkboy," I call, pretty sure he's listening. "What exactly is your quirk, huh?" When he doesn't respond, I continue my analysis. "It allows ya to sink into shadows, doesn't it? You can move around in them, too." I try to think about the last few times he has sunk into darkness: the alleyway in the replica city, his own dim shadow in the assessment test. "Am I right?"

Samae seems to respond by leaping out of the ground from my right directly at me, aiming to tackle me to the ground. I simply step to the side a bit, allowing him to soar past me and back into the shade.

"However, I noticed your feet sinking into the ground when you were running during the test, but only a bit past your ankles. There's a reason you couldn't sink down completely into your own shadow, isn't there? Otherwise, you would've beat me."

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