Chapter 23 - Expecto Patronum

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(Just a note) Expecto more than a patronus in this one! I should have split this chapter up and ones to follow as they're quite long and packed full. Enjoy! These were some of my faves to write. 

Beaming from the success of another Quidditch match, Geneva managed to part herself from the roaring crowd – some of which had managed to somehow sneak past where they should be and round to where the team tents were. She was heading back to her own tent to change after the match. Surging with adrenaline from ending her 3rd consecutive match with the glittering snitch in hand, she strode with her Firebolt to the canvas dome and swept back the door.

"Merlin's balls! Get out!" raged a voice behind it. Draco. He was standing there having just pulled up his boxer shorts. He alarmingly reached for his robes and threw them against his body.

Geneva threw herself backward, mouth agape at her idiocy and powerwalked away. She had walked straight into the wrong tent. It seemed her rush of adrenaline clouded her ability to think straight after the match. She could still hear Malfoy yelling out obscenities inside.

A few feet away and she reached the girl's tent. Thank Merlin for that. The next one was the teacher's tent. She remembered the blue banner and cursed herself for not paying more attention. With her eyes on the correct location, she desperately tried to erase Malfoy's scrawny little backside from her mind. Geneva swept back the entrance and was just about to set foot inside when she was yanked back by the shoulder, causing her to stumble. Pansy Parkinson stood there looking furious, her fists balled, less than a meter before her, fury palpitating from her every pore.

"What the HELL do you think you're doing?" she raged.

"What do you mean?" Geneva asked, though knowing very well what it was about. She could already see where this was going.

"Looking in on my boyfriend. You pervert!"

Geneva's face fell incredulously. "WHAT! Look, I don't know what he told you but it was an acci-...."


"You bitch! How dare you hit me!

Instincts caused her to move toward her in retaliation but Pansy had whipped out her wand and held it threateningly before her. Geneva was unarmed, although did think of clocking Pansy with her broom.

"You had your creepy frog spawn eyes all over him," Pansy blasted.

"I did not! I was out of there the second I saw him."

Pansy jabbed her wand, "Liar! Filthy mudblood!"

There was no way she was getting through to her. Geneva pushed aside Pansy's wand and made for the tent, but Pansy sent Geneva flying backwards in a bolt of blue light to the chest. She hit the ground hard, the stone gravel instantly cutting her elbows and hands. Pansy took a victorious step forward, her cocky smile illuminating her smug face, wand braced watching Geneva wince and shuffle on the gravel.

"Attacking an unarmed classmate under false pretences," winced Geneva. "Very big of you Parkinson."

Pansy hit her again with the same jinx but this time Geneva threw out a hand, non-verbalising a shield charm without the use of a wand.

Pansy mouthed obscene words of shock, but she did not stop, and jabbed another, and another. Geneva was hit with the next, but defended herself with the third.

"Flipendo duo!" she cast.

Pansy was lifted off her feet and catapulted backward, her body thrown to the floor and sent skidding across the gravel. Geneva relished in the crunch of the stony ground and her wandless abilities watching Pansy groan and cough breathlessly.

The impact had been so great that Geneva had the chance to rise and dust herself off. She stood before Pansy at a good distance from her launch, and blew cockily on her hand that had caused the effect.

"Where's your wand?! freak!" Pansy spat, squirming.

Geneva rose a smug brow and spun around to leave the scene, but just before she did, she saw it coming. She saw it coming before it even happened - A rock. Pansy was going to throw one in attempt to knock her down, but Geneva spun with the reflex of a serpent and caught it in her hand like a baseball.

"And that..." she smiled, throwing and catching the rock leisurely, "is why I'm a seeker, and Malfoy is not."

Ok, so being a legilimens helped, but she wasn't about to let that out.

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