Chapter 18 - Trust Me

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Geneva stirred gently, her arms and legs stretching amongst the blankets of the four-poster bed she'd fallen asleep in. Slowly, naturally, her eyes opened, settling on several piles of books near the small window, which were bathed in a hazy grey light, omitted from the gap in the curtain. Several of their spines had come unstitched, worn and battered at the seams and edges. Though her body lay still, her mind went into automatic overdrive as everything she had experienced in the early hours came flooding back to her. As much as she wished she'd been dreaming, the room in which she lay told her otherwise, yet she was glad to be in it. She turned over; the door had been left ajar just as she asked in order to feel safer, afraid to fall asleep, yet so exhausted her body fell into a deep slumber as quick as her head touched the pillow.

Geneva sat up in bed, propping herself against the antique pillows, and ran her hands through her unruly morning curls. The air smelt of cloves and aniseed. Across the room, a candle was approaching the end of its life, flickering wildly in a glass jar. She found herself drawn to it as though it would give her answers to face the day ahead, when really it was clinging on to dear life, much like herself, afraid of burning out.

Geneva walked toward the door apprehensively and pulled it open. She trod carefully, barefoot and peeked around the corner, clocking him immediately. Professor Snape was sat at his desk, and spotted her in tern. He placed his green-feathered-quill in its holder and rose to his feet, buttoned up from head to toe as always but without his cloak.

Geneva stood dressed only in the clothing she'd slept in - a small tshirt and shorts, bare feet, her long legs, awkwardly entwining. The morning light behind the drawn curtain cast a dusky glow into the room, settling on the rug. It felt soft under her toes, warm from the fire. How do you greet a man who had ultimately saved your life last night? A small smile drew across her face as she pushed her curls behind her ear, which only fell back again.

"G'morning Professor."

"How did you sleep?" It was polite to ask. His eyes danced over her body before flittering away to tidy various desk items that frankly looked neat enough as they were. Geneva looked down at herself realising he'd been distracted by her braless nipples that were taught against the fabric of her shirt. She smiled to herself. It made him every bit a red-blooded man – a relief when he had denied their closeness the night before.

"I slept fine, thank you sir. Did you sleep ok?"

"Minimally. Sleep has grown unfamiliar overtime."

She could have guessed. He struck her as the nocturnal type - the type that would lie awake with thoughts consuming him at night. Maybe that's one reason why he was so crabby during the daytime.

"It's quarter to ten," he notified her. "You must return to your dormitory. You absence will be noted."

His immediate hostile manner stifled her, but she knew it was for her own protection, and so she simply nodded in compliance. Snape walked across the room to the chair, picked up a bundle of material and held it up, letting it unravel. It was a uniformed robe.

"It should surface, that's if it..."

"Covers my feet?" she finished, wiggling her toes.

Snape nodded and helped her on with it. Once again he clocked her beautiful pert nipples in discretion, although looked almost relieved she was covered up as though her feminine form were a distraction. Then, his eyes stared into hers with the deepest sincerity. Her heart fluttered, connecting with his black orbs.

"If you go now, the majority of students will be at breakfast," he instructed, his eyes deep in affirmation. "It will limit the chances of you being seen leaving here like this. Under no circumstances are you to speak of any of this. To anyone. You are absolutely not to tell anyone you stayed here last night. Is that understood?"

"Y-yes, but..."

He flicked his eyebrows quickly as if hurried. They were partially covered by strands of dark hair.


"What happens now?" Geneva asked, searching his face.

"I will handle it."

"Well..." she stammered, none the wiser. "Does this mean you're in danger?"

She felt an increasing reluctance to part from him. Everything seemed to be happening so fast. She knew he could sense her apprehension.

Snape's mouth opened seconds before he found the correct words, taking his wand and cloak from the desk.

"Do not worry. You must go. I have to leave to meet with Professor Dumbledore within the hour."

"Wh-you won't be here? You're leaving Hogwarts? What about that?" She turned to look at the Horcrux which was still suspended in the glowing light.

"Shh," he silenced her. "Come...."

Geneva's heart palpitated under her robes, fearing for his safety and hers.

He walked toward the door, Geneva followed suite. It was the first time she had witnessed how to access his quarters, as she had not recalled entering. Upon leaving a large oak door just off the living area, they were both standing in his classroom atop a short staired balcony, which led down to the front of the class. She looked back on herself not expecting them to be there so soon.


His brow frowned in confusion, leading her down the steps.

"It's just I never knew...that teachers...nevermind. Doesn't matter."

He turned to look at her as she pulled her robes around herself, sealing the gap between the black gown and her nightclothes.

"Quickly now," he ushered her.


He turned to her with that familiar furrow in his brow.

Their eyes locked. Geneva's emotions bubbled so hard she felt she would burst, thankful for all he'd done for her, her chest rose and fell, caught up in a whirlwind. She had so much to say to him and yet words failed her. It was instinct that thrust her forward. Snape's eyes shot upon in surprise as her lips came crashing onto his, and then his eyes fell closed, melting against her tongue. A sweet sigh left her mouth into his from lips that were soft and full. Then, she slowly pulled away with a whisper.

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