Chapter 19 - Professor Dumbledore Returns

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"Dumbledore's back!"

His return was welcomed with delighted chatter as he took to the high table at breakfast the following morning. It was so good to see him again, sat front and centre between Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape.

Whilst the subject of Professor Lupin and Luna was still on everyone's minds, Geneva's also revolved around the horcrux. She surveyed Dumbledore and Snape closely knowing it was no co-incidence they were sat together. Usually Snape was further down the table.

She and Orah sat tucking into their breakfast in casual musings that morning. Geneva's father came up in conversation – another harsh reality she was reminded of. She had planned to go home during Easter break. She had thought about her mother plenty and how she was coping.

When people begin to leave the Great Hall in dribs and drabs, Geneva felt someone barge into her shoulder. It was Hermione Granger. She was walking briskly toward the oak doors with a knowing look of concealed information about her face.

Geneva and Orah rose from their seats and followed her into the library where they found a quiet place to talk. Hermione grabbed a book from the shelves, falsely perusing the pages and encouraged the girls to do the same, speaking inconspicuously.

"I have a lot to tell you," she whispered, surveying the premises. "Dumbledore has been on trial. Snape was there. Harry saw it all."

"How?" Orah inquired.

"Invisibility cloak. Listen, Dumbledore is currently under watchful measures. The Ministry now insists that anyone who comes forward for the DADA position has to go through the Ministry first. Essentially the Ministry will hire our next teacher."

"And Lupin...Luna?" Geneva asked, pretending to search a book she was skimming through, side eyeing Hermione.

"Dumbledore is trying to prove You-Know-Who is back, but the Ministry thinks he's some kind of crack pot old fool."

"And Snape?"

"Harry said he isn't sure. Dumbledore seems to trust him. Perhaps Lucius stole the Wolvesbane from Lupin's quarters and he's behind it all, but Snape has to be involved somewhat."

"Sounds like it was Lucius," Geneva added, determined to clear Snape's name.

The horcrux. It was the only way to prove He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was back, and yet Geneva couldn't say a word. How could she, when there was so much baggage in tow.

"What's happened with Lupin?" Orah asked.

"They've silenced him," Hermione declared. "It's an outrage!" her lips pursed indignantly. "They haven't printed anything in the Daily Prophet because they refuse to believe You-Know-Who is back. It's absolutely atrocious. It's against Wizarding rights. He's to suffer a year in Azkaban."

"That's awful!" Geneva sighed.

"Azkaban? I've heard it's horrible," Orah added, a haunting look about a face. "It's guarded by dementors. Everywhere. People go mad in that place and never come out the same."

Hermione shut her eyes, shaking her head in sorrow.

"It's all we know for now. I just wanted to tell you. I know Dumbledore wants to meet with Harry later. Harry's been...feeling, well...a little strange lately. I can't go into details now." She popped the book back on the shelf she was hiding behind and fixed her bag on her shoulder. "We need to go. We've got class."

"Geneva, a moment please..." Professor McGonagall gestured her over to the side after Transfiguration, as other students filtered out to lunch.

"Yes Professor?"

Professor McGonagall stood in her green crushed velvet robes, linking her fingers - a look of formality about her face.

"I am to let you know that Professor Dumbledore wishes to speak with you today. After dinner, if you would kindly make your way to my office, I will escort you."

"Yes, Professor."

Geneva's stomach twisted. She felt instantly sick.


As requested, once eaten, and a made up excuse was given to Orah, Geneva walked quietly through the corridors to Professor McGonagall's office, her mind racing – It must be about the horcrux, she thought. Dumbledore must know how to destroy it. Maybe he knows about...Oh God. Professor Snape. She thought of waking up in his bed. Panic came over her. We haven't spoken about this. What happens if Dumbledore asks me questions I can't answer. What do I say?

Geneva had reached Professor McGonagall's office before she had any more time to think, and knocked four times, feeling increasingly nervous. Professor McGonagall opened the door almost right away, and walked straight out as if she had been waiting behind it the entire time.

"Follow me," she requested. The only words spoken on the way to Dumbledore's office, except to gain access with the password "Sherbet Lemon." Taking the centre, infront of the towering golden Griffin at the foot of the stairs, they ascended as the spiral staircase took them straight up into his round, rather magnificent looking office. It was home to many a curious object - some displayed in glass cabinets that surrounded the perimeter - objects of astronomy purposes, beautiful artefacts and funny little things which glowed in blue and purple. Other interesting looking items were placed around the room and upon his desk omitting occasional puffs of smoke, either in rotation or levitating. On the walls were many paintings of varying sizes, rising tall to the ceiling depicting great wizards of days gone by.

Professor McGonagall stepped into the office first, her shoes clipping formally as she walked in, hands clasped infront, Geneva in tow. Geneva's heart beat so nervously, she could feel it in her throat, as her eyes fell upon the faces around the room - Professor Dumbledore at his desk, Professor Snape to her right, and Professor Trelawney to her left with Professor McGonagall.

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