Chapter 15 - Hogwarts Be'WERE'

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"I heard she was meddling in the dark arts. You know what they say about the quiet ones," whispered a passing Gryffindor girl, huddled into another, clearly not subtle enough to hide this information, as it caught the attention of others around her.

"Don't be stupid," rebuffed the girl at her side, "You have to he intelligent for that."

"Well she wasn't was she, that's why she's gone."

The girls disappeared through the doors of the Great Hall, only for the next passing group to be whispering together in the same shifty, suspicious manner. This time a group of Slytherins, Marcus Flint, captain of the Quidditch team was apparently the one with the gossip.

"That's not what I heard. I heard she was sleepwalking. That freckled girl in Ravenclaw - you know, the ugly one - I heard her say all of her shoes were still there in her dorm. Nutter. Whatever happened, she probably had it coming."

Pansy Parkinson laughed in agreement. Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle were also tittering in their share of gossip.

"Mental," Malfoy laughed. "Bloody weirdo if you ask me."

Geneva pulled Orah close. "What's everyone talking about?"

Orah shook her head, trying to listen in further, whilst Geneva fantasized about smacking Malfoy in the mouth. "I have no idea. Look."

Ravenclaws. Three girls passed them looking alarmed. "I hope she's ok," said one of them. "When did you last see her?" Asked the other. "At dinner yesterday. She was reading The Quibbler and seemed perfectly normal to me."

The other girl looked at her with a cocked a quizzical eyebrow.

"Well you normal as she gets."

Geneva and Orah looked at each other as if on cue.


The commotion didn't stop there. Upon entering the Great Hall for dinner, further Ravenclaws were sat at the table crinkling their brows, mouths agape, listening intently for additional gossip.

"Attention all students!" Dumbledore's voice reverberated off the stone walls. The noise in the Great Hall evaporated at once. Students sat awaiting his words as he took a long pause from the golden owl podium in front of the staff table, looking down his nose through his half moon spectacles to ensure full attention was given.

"It has been brought to my attention that a student belonging to Ravenclaw house - Miss Luna Lovegood - has been reported missing from precisely 8PM last night."

Gasps and chatter filled the Great Hall, eyes growing larger and more inquisitive with every word Dumbledore spoke, exchanging confirmative looks with their fellow house members across the table, heads turning everywhere. Staff however had clearly been informed previously, as theirs did not move. Professor Sprout's eyes were fixed on the table in front, heavy with sadness, whilst Professor Snape's bore ahead in severity, his lips pursed.

"Miss Lovegood was last seen yesterday evening at dinner," Dumbledore continued, "but did not return to her dormitory upon curfew. If any student has any information they deem valuable to her whereabouts, please report it to your heads of houses. The grounds are being searched and Hogwarts staff are carrying out a full investigation. We wish you to go about your day, but note that curfew has now temporarily shifted back two hours to 8PM instead of 10PM. Students are not permitted to roam corridors after 8PM and must remain in their dormitories or common rooms after this time."

Draco Malfoy rolled his eyes insensitivity, as if this were a huge burden.

"Prefects will be on duty to ensure this is carried out and anyone breaking these rules will suffer great consequences."

"He knows something we don't," Orah whispered. "This sounds serious like she was kidnapped or something."

"By who? Who would do such a thing?" Geneva asked, puzzled, observing the nail biting look on Professor McGonagall's face. "I hope they find her."

Gossip filled the school for the rest of the day, in corridors, during meal times and during lessons. What irked Geneva more than anything was the falsehood of people pouring out their feelings toward Luna as if she had been the greatest friend they'd ever had - the person they mocked relentlessly. How could people be so cruel and insensitive.

Tuesday came, and nothing had been seen or heard about Luna's disappearance until Dumbledore took to the golden owl podium. His solemn expression said it all. Professor McGonagall's thin lips opened and then pursed again, creating more lines than usual as though she were trying to hold back tears as she took her seat.

"Students...It is with deepest despair that I announce, Luna Lovegood of Ravenclaw has been found tragically on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest where she took her final breath."

At once, the intense trepidation that filled the room, shattered into gasps of horror emitted from people all around. Tears fell from a group of Ravenclaw girls as they embraced one another. Geneva's heart dropped to the darkest pit of her stomach, pounding with despair, her mouth agape, sought for answers, frozen to the spot.

Professor Flitwick, head of Ravenclaw was dabbing at his eyes with a handkerchief, his other hand holding Professor McGonagall's tightly in grievance. Professor Snape was looking down respectively sat next to a blubbering Professor Sprout who always had a soft spot for Luna. Hagrid's eyes rolled to the ceiling to fight back the tears as they filled his eyes. They fell inevitably before he gave an audible sniff to defy them.

"The identification of her attacker is currently unknown," Dumbledore continued, "but an investigation is thoroughly in place as I stand before you." He paused shortly, pushing his glasses upon his crooked nose, then rose his chin with a deep inhale.

"Luna Lovegood was a delight to have at Hogwarts," he spoke with pride. "I express to you all. A student excelling in Care of Magical Creatures and Herbology..."

Professor Sprout caught a cry in her throat, which gave a squeak of sorrow.

"A student I believe who possessed the makings to one day become an exceptional Magizoologist. We celebrate Miss Lovegood today for the radiant light she gave off and the ability to see the good even in the darkest of times..."

Geneva's throat tightened, holding back the tears, thinking of all the times she had defended her quirks and how Luna had returned her thanks so graciously.

"And for that reason, we celebrate today not with the darkness one might associate with death, but the colour of blue..." Dumbledore clapped his jewelled hands twice, as flagged decor unravelled from the enchanted ceiling, baring an R for Ravenclaw.

Geneva's tears fell onto her robes.

"Of the sky...the ocean...the twinkling in her eye, we remember Luna for the light in which she shone upon us all. May she rest now and skip merrily into the light with her wand tucked behind her ear. Students, staff, please raise your goblets in a toast to Miss Luna Lovegood of Ravenclaw. May she rest in peace."

Dumbledore raised his phoenix wound goblet above his stand, inclining his head with the utmost respect.

"Luna Lovegood."

"Luna Lovegood," chorused the students.

The inability to focus that day was evident throughout the school, as sombre clouds loomed over Hogwarts. Gossip came from all around with suspicion of Luna's said attacker, most suspecting a creature inhabiting the Forbidden Forest, which injected the mind of Geneva with heinous images.

Later that evening at 7PM, she and Orah were sat at the table closest to the fireside of the Slytherin common room, their books lit by flicking candles in glass jars. With the earlier curfew, the common room was busier than usual, which meant their volume was kept to a minimum. Geneva leant forward with her arms pressed to her History of Magic book, whispering thoughts that had been continuously looping her mind.

"Remember what those girls said yesterday, about Luna meddling in dark forces?"

Orah nodded, two channelling her attention between Geneva and her essay.

"Well, you don't think it has anything to do with our..." she widened our eyes hoping Orah would pick up the suggestion to the extra classes they'd been taking in the Room of Requirement.

"I doubt it. It's hardly meddling."

"We're training up illegally to practise defensive magic. I don't mean to sound dramatic, but if this has happened to Luna, then..." she paused, moving closer. "What if it happens to one us too? What was she doing near the Forbidden Forest that late anyway?"

Orah shrugged. "Well, she does like to go wondering."

"But she isn't stupid..."

There was a short pause before Orah spoke. She could see the worry written all over Geneva's crinkling face.

"Maybe we should go and talk to Professor Lupin about it."

"He wasn't at the staff table today, did you notice?"


It occurred to Geneva how Orah's need to look in that direction was non-existent, unlike her constant need to peer over to seek out Professor Snape.

"We have class tomorrow. You can talk to him then."


The owl post arrived promptly at Hogwarts the following morning at breakfast; newspapers dropped from the bird's claws into the laps and hands of students who caught them in mid air. Geneva shoved the last piece of toast in her mouth and picked up her copy of the Daily Prophet with buttery fingers.


An investigation is currently taking place into the disappearance and death of Luna Lovegood of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. On the night of Wednesday 16th January, Luna Lovegood's body was discovered on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forrest by Mr Lucius Malfoy, who works for the Ministry of Magic; also a school governor of Hogwarts. Mr Malfoy who had witnessed the scene, talks to the Daily Prophet - "I'd arrived on business after leaving late from the Ministry having apparated just outside the castle...I was on my way to see Rubeous Hagrid (A teacher of Magical Creatures) - Hogwarts business, when I witnessed the attack on the young girl."

Described by Mr Malfoy as "blood-curdling," he described "a short blonde-haired-girl" he recognised from his son's year, running for her life, unarmed, "a werewolf" in persistent pursuit closing in on the girl.

"She was mauled in seconds. The werewolf was travelling at great speed." Malfoy had tried to contain the beast before it attacked the girl with an incarcerous spell but it was too late, eighteen year old Luna Lovegood's body had been mutilated. Malfoy informed the Prophet, "I contacted the International Wizarding Police immediately and they dragged the beast off to the Ministry." A spokesperson on behalf of the Wizarding Police described Miss Lovegood's appearance upon arrival as "horrific; almost unidentifiable, her body was slashed and torn beyond recognition."

Perhaps the most shocking revelation to this attack arose when the werewolf detained revealed his true identity upon transformation this morning, as Professor Remus Lupin of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Professor Lupin has been teaching at the school for four years this coming September, hired by Professor Albus Dumbledore, whom is now subject to meticulous questioning by the Ministry of Magic. Luna's devastated, devoted father Xenophilius Lovegood, editor of The Quibbler, was informed of this heinous attack on his daughter just moments after it happened. He told the Prophet he is unable to speak of his grief at this time, but is fiercely adamant that measures must be taken to investigate the safety of all students at Hogwarts school.

Geneva slowly lowered the Daily Prophet to the table, her eyes fixated blearily ahead into nothingness, enveloped in a darkness that eventually shrouded the entire Great Hall. There wasn't a single person who wasn't reading the article. Luna...Professor Lupin. This was utterly incomprehensible.

Orah mumbled, dumbfounded as though she'd just woken from a deep sleep. " can this be? This can't be true."

Geneva's mouth was dry upon closure. She gazed over at the staff table. Dumbledore was absent. A tsunami of questions seeped through her mind, but the shock of it all had rendered her speechless. Even Orah had nothing to offer, and she had an answer for almost everything. As they left the Great Hall sombrely that morning, begrudgingly on their way to lessons, they found the questions that they'd been calculating for answers were also on the lips of others.

"So Dumbledore's being questioned by the Ministry?" whispered a Ravenclaw girl, pulling her neighbour along as they walked out of the hall. "What's going to happen now? Will be sacked?

"What do you think will happen to Lupin? They wouldn't send him to Azkaban would they?"

"Can you believe Lupin is a werewolf and we were never told?"

Neither Geneva or Orah spoke until they'd reached the corridors and were on their way to their first lesson.

"We need to talk to Harry," Geneva stressed with urgency. "Tonight."


"I don't understand," Geneva professed in frustration, running her hands along the place the door usually appeared to The Room of Requirement. Orah was nervously looking over her shoulder, surveying the vicinity of the deserted, torch lit corridors, incase they were seen.

"We've tried it three times now," Geneva stressed. "We're doing it right, I don't understand. It's like...someone doesn't want us to be in here, like a charm has been put on it. Remember what that Gryffindor girl said?"

Orah rolled her eyes, slumping her posture. "Oh you aren't still going on about that are you?"

Geneva ignored her and continued. "What if...what if they think that we snitched on the group? I mean, if that's the kind of information that's spreading round the Gryffindor common room and reaches the likes of Lavender Brown, she'll be all over it, spreading it to Harry and Her-..."

"But they said Luna was meddling, not us, and how would they know about this group. They're talking crap. Anything for gossip."

"Why would they say she's been meddling?" Geneva inquired, totally ignoring the latter comment. "Who put that idea into their heads? I'm telling you...someone knows about this group. I can feel it."

Alarmingly, a scurrying noise was heard up ahead. The girls immediately, threw themselves as flat as they could against the wall, holding their breath, eyes wide, shooting a look to each other, then back up the dark corridor.

"What was that??"

"Shh shut up...!"

Seconds later the culprit came into view, scampering across the stone floor. Their lungs deflated in relief. "Bloody rat," Orah cussed.

"What are we going to do?" Geneva whispered, clutching her chest.

At no point during the day had there been an appropriate moment to talk to Harry. He'd either not been around, or been grouped and therefore unapproachable. Not to mention that communicating about the classes - they had all agreed – was strictly prohibited outside the Room of Requirement.

"This is our only option," Geneva stated.

"It's not a bloody option without a door," Orah threw an arm out.

Both girls froze. Orah grabbed hold of Geneva's wrist with force. A meow.

"Mrs Norris."

Knowing Filch would be closely in tow, they bickered in fast whispers, weighing their options.

"Just act casual! We c-"

"That wot I sed to 'em," came Filch's quivering voice of suspicion, as he came hunching around the corner. He was talking to someone - a tall black-buttoned figure came into view - Professor Snape. Geneva stepped backward, almost wobbling, her breath held. Orah grabbed her robes and forced her to walk forward, locking arms. What was she doing! They were practically bait.

Snape spotted the girls a split second before Filch, flitting his eyes between the both of them. Geneva held her breath in anticipation, fearful of the consequences.

"Wots this..." Filch sneered stopping in his tracks, his jowls quivering excitedly as they always did whenever he'd caught a student unawares.

"Students. Out of bed. Professor Snape..." he sneered, as if Snape were vision impaired.

Snape simply stood there, calm, poised, his fingers interlinked at his front, his eyes going between both of the girls. He opened his mouth a few seconds before any sound came out.

"Shouldn't the two of you be heading back to the common room at this hour?"

Orah spoke up. "That's where we were off to, Professor."

"Question is where did yas come from?" Filtch questioned, enjoying the interrogation. "Nufing around 'ere concernin' students." He turned to Professor Snape, with a jittering sneer. "I think they're 'avin us on."

Snape never looked at Filch, but kept his eyes on the two girls, ultimately settling on Geneva, though Orah was doing the talking. Geneva was too busy arranging her body language, appearing as natural as possible toward the situation and the teacher she was swooning over, although right now those feelings were mixed with fear.

"I think you're mistaken Mr Filch," answered Orah in a voice that was laden with sugar. Filch's head wavered from her back to Snape, expecting him to step in and say something, but he never did. His out-weighing authority was deeply attractive. Not the time, Geneva thought.

"Geneva and I were just going for a walk," Orah continued. "She's had some bad news lately about her father and needed to clear her head. I believe you know about that, sir," she ushered to Snape.

"I am aware," he answered. Geneva's heart thudded. What? I never told him. She shot a look toward Orah who returned a knowing smile as if she would explain later.

"...But you're feeling much better now aren't you?"

Orah letting out her private news had struck her, and she hadn't realised it was her turn to speak, until she pinched her arm.

"Ahh-yeah! Much better."

Snape shuffled his interlinked his fingers and spoke up.

"Well, it is extremely close to curfew. I suggest you two return to your dormitories at once."

Filch looked up at Professor Snape in disbelief, positively desperate for some form of punishment. "Wot, no detention, sir?"

Snape's eyes carried a certain glint, as he stood aside to let the girls pass, ignoring Filch. Geneva's heart swelled in what she felt was an almost mindful exchange. It was the strangest feeling, as if he knew something.

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