Chapter 22 - Mirror of Erised

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(Just a note) I'm aware the Mirror of Erised can't talk back to you in the books and movies, but in this story it can. Enjoy! This is a big a turning point for Severus and Geneva!

It had been a while since he'd visited. The strain it left on his heart overpowered his desire to return, though not without an inner battle at the intense lure the Mirror of Erised had on an individual. Wizards had wasted away before it, driven into madness, seduced by it powers in seeing into the very depths of one's soul, identifying their true hearts desires in it's reflection.

Lily. It had always been her. Since the moment she had died under Avada Kadavra at the hands of Voldemort, Severus had spent many a night shrouded in guilt, in grievance of his only love, contemplating, his mind reeling with what if's. Since her death, Severus had switched sides from a Death Eater to Dumbledore's Order, and redeemed himself on the condition he work as a spy and protect her son, Harry. As Dumbledore had once said, "If you truly loved her, then your way forward is clear. You know how and why she died. Make sure it was not in vain. Help me to protect Lily's son."

"Very well," he insisted, on the condition he never tell a soul. He couldn't bare it – the son of his enemy – James Potter.

Dutiful and consistent as Severus was, a man of razor focus, and fierce intent, he was, above all...a man with feelings. There wasn't a day that passed that the death of Lily pained him. Every time he looked at Potter, he saw Lily's eyes staring back at him. Since her death, Severus cut off his ability to feel beyond Lily, bitter towards any kind of compassion, a vessel of emptiness without emotion, and to his students, strict, resentful, cold and sarcastic...Happiness or joy was an emotion that had been washed away by the tide of guilt he felt at Lily's passing, when had tried to save her but failed.

Lily was his happiness, his light. Since her death, Severus life was one of solitary confinement, as dark as the robes he wore, focussed, driven, solely on his work as emptiness ate away at him night after night.

Severus opened the door by magic stepping with apprehension into the unused, desolate classroom. It had been months. His black eyes immediately fell upon the Mirror of Erised standing tall at the far side of the room beyond the pillars of the empty stone room. His steps were measured, his heart beat increasing the further he ascended, drawn to its magical properties, already entranced. A breath escaped his open lips, which could be seen in the air. Afraid to look up just yet, he took the last few calculated steps until he was standing before it, and looked up. There, Lily came into form in a dream like substance, a mirage only he could see. Her warm face smiled back at him instantly rendering him in a concoction of pain and ease.

"Lily," his voice cracked, pressing his hand to the cold mirror. Lily's flaming red hair blew softly behind her, as she placed her hand gently to his.

"Severus," she spoke. "I know why you're here."

His fractured heart was as apparent as his voice, unable to take his eyes off her.

"You have a second chance," she whispered. "Take it."

Silence, all but his breathing, his mind unsure, seeking answers.

"Take it," she repeated, smiling with reassurance. "You need to let go, Severus. Do not feel guilt."

Severus' brow furrowed, caught in a confusion of emotions, "She...reminds me of you."

"No," soothed Lily. "She returns her love, that of which you seek beyond friendship. My love is with James."

Severus dropped his eyes painfully on hearing these words.

"Embrace her," Lily whispered, with passion in her voice, "Protect her as you protect my son. For that I will love you always."

And with that, Lily faded into a wave of smoke.

Severus eyes fell, his hand still pressed to the mirror – supporting his wilted posture. His other hand brushed away his tears, refusing to let them fall. And then he looked up. Geneva. Her bright aqua eyes were gazing back at him from the mirror, her long dark wavy hair flowing at her sides. His ability through the power of legilimency and occlumency had led him here tonight. The thoughts he had seen, the memories he retrieved from her both scared and humbled him beyond measure. He had never felt such compassion for anyone since Lily. His love for Lily had meant denying his feelings, unafraid to act upon them, but as he stared into the mirror at Geneva's beautiful form, her thoughts rushed back to him. Lily's words rang in his ear "Embrace her. Do not feel guilt."


Geneva shut the last book closed with a weighted thud and put it back into her trunk at the foot of her bed with the rest of them.

"Catch!" Orah chimed, and threw a Fizzing Whizbee her way. Geneva caught it with a look of victory, blew on it and threw it into her mouth.


"Must be all that....Occ-lu-men-cy." Orah teased with air quotations.

"Shut up. It's not like that."

Orah pretended to puke in her hand.

"I'm going now," Geneva turned, walking toward the door, running her fingers through her loose curls one last time.

"Early I see," Orah joked.

Geneva stuck her neck out, shaking her head. "It's because of curfew," she reminded her. "You know what to do don't you? If I don't come back..."

"Yes, yes...the mirage charm," Orah replied with an eye roll.

"Thanks," Geneva went to leave but turned back. "Oh and pull the curtains around my bed won't you?"

"Yes. Yes, go."


Geneva, opened the door to the dungeons and descended the downward spiral into Professor Snape's classroom, her dark curls flouncing behind her. Arriving only with her wand, she was ready for her next lesson, and really, just to be alone with him.

The smell of warm spices and sweet cinnamon met her senses on cue.

"I'm here," Geneva announced, scanning the seemingly bare classroom. She realised immediately how casual she sounded. "Professor...?"

She jolted as a hand took her shoulder from behind and spun around immediately.

"You scared me," she panted, laying her eyes on him.

"Good for the sen-ses," came his low silky voice.

Immediately, right there, Severus grasped her waist and pulled her into a kiss, crashing his lips passionately against hers – her face held in both his black clad hands. Geneva's wand fell from to the ground with a tin – her only need was him. All of him.

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