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Prompt(s): Kidnapped + Water Torture

Warnings: Minor swearing, mentions of blood, graphic description of vilence, graphic describtion of torture, mentions of drug abuse, mentions of alcohol abuse, mentions of prostitution, minor character deaths, drowning

Published: 23 May 2020

Word Count: 2309

Checked with Grammarly. 

Luck really hadn't been on Chapa's side lately.

First there were all her injuries and now she had once again pulled the short one. Literally this time. Okay, let's start at the beginning.

The whole shit show had actually started two weeks ago, six weeks after Rocky had stabbed her, and a four days before the art gallery robbery. A young woman had gone missing. At first, everyone thought, she had run away. She had been 19 and had a difficult relationship with her parents plus an elder boyfriend in another city.

Her body was found only a few hours after her parents had been sent home by the police, being told not to worry.

The corpse was spotted by a jogger, under a tree in the park, disposed of like a bag of garbage. Her name had been Monica Shaw. She had had long blond hair, green eyes. A beauty, some would say. Her dead body however had nothing left of that beauty. Parts of her hair had been ripped out, her fingernails were broken and there were bruises all over her face. But the worst part was her stomach.It had been cut open like an animal, and then filled with drugs. There were different types of drugs. The police found marijuana,heroin, and cocaine. Except that they were illegal, those drugs had nothing in common. The police also found some fingerprints from the murderer. But sadly they weren't in any database. Afterward, it was revealed, that the young woman had drowned.

Two days later, another body had been found in an alleyway. Evie Crow. The way the body was prepared made it clear, that it was the same murderer. The cause of death was again drowning, however, this time her stomach had been filled with alcohol.

Another week later and a third body had been found under a bridge. Her name had been Regina O'Neil, her stomach filled with abortion pills. Now the police had informed Captain Man of the situation and sent him everything they had found out by then. Usually Captain Man didn't get involved ininvestigations, only when it was time to capture the criminal. This however was already the third body, and it wasn't going to stop there.

A week passed before corpse number four had been found. But this time everything was different. Anne Fitzgerald had been a24-year-old woman, with a not so nice job. She had worked as a prostitute. She hadn't been proud of it, but she had needed the money. But this time things were different. Her stomach hadn't been filled with anything, however, the word 'whore' was carved all over her body. And not all carvings were post mortem. The cause of death stayed the same.

The whole crime scene had been one bloody mess, which had been the reason Captain Man forbade the kids to come with him.

But Chapa had never been the one to follow orders.

It was one of her most regretful decisions so far.

After hours of work Danger Force had finally found something. They had tried to find out, what all four victims had in common. And then, Mika finally found the connection. A nightclub called: The drowning roof.

Chapa thought it was the worst and most ironic name in history.

Now you may be asking, what made this club so special? Well, it was infact located on a roof. Everything was open air and the guests loved it.

All four women had visited the nightclub the night, before they had disappeared. So Danger Force had decided to observe the place and look if anyone was behaving suspiciously. Four would join the other guests, using disguises and fake IDs made by Schwoz. Team'Dance floor', would inspect suspicious men from closeness, while the remaining member of the team would sit on the roof of a nearby building and watch from afar, to keep the whole party in view.

In English: the boring part no one wanted to do.

But since someone had to, they had decided to pull straws. Ray was out. He was the only adult and would be most effective on the ''Party Team''. Meaning it was down to Bose, Chapa, Mika, and Miles. 

This is how Legends are Made (Danger Force Chapa)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon