Losing their Temper

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Prompt(s): Losing their Temper + was too hard on them

Warnings: Minor swearing, mentions of child abandonment, arson

Published: 3 November 2020

Word Count: 2454

Checked with Grammarly.

Rayis like gasoline. All he needs is a spark he can fuel.

Chapa is like a spark. All she needs is gasoline to set the world on fire.

Onfire was also the garbage bin, but else were you supposed to do with papers? Recycle them?!

Mika was that opinion and extinguished the fire. "Why are you always doing this?!"

Ray, who had caused the fire, ignored her and turned back to Chapa, Miles, and Bose, who were sitting in front of him at their desks. "Okay, that's enough theory for today. Let's start with the actual training."

Chapa grinned. Finally, she got to punch something. Even if it was just pads and punching bags.

The kids went upstairs to change, while Ray prepared the classroom for their training. After a few minutes, they met up again.

Chapa now wore a dark red sleeveless hoodie and black shorts, Mika had changed into a white shirt with gray shoulders and gray sweatpants,Miles wore black sweatpants and a yellow zip-up hoodie, and Bose had managed to put on a blue tank top and dark gray shorts.

That was a huge accomplishment.

After a short warmup, Ray assigned each of them a partner. Chapa and Mika, and Bose and Miles.

The latter put on focus pads, while Mika walked over to the punching bag hanging from the ceiling.

Chapa and Bose started wrapping their hands with boxing tape in their respective colors.

Chapa impatiently tapped her foot, waiting for Ray to give them the signal to start. She was pumped with energy.

"Okay everyone listen up," Ray said, "Chapa, heavy bag training, three minutes then 30 seconds rest. The whole thing three times. Bose, I want you to train combinations. Go!"

Mika gripped the punching bag, nodding to Chapa that she could start.

That was all the taller girl needed.

Her punches were so strong, Mika nearly fell over. "Woah! You got a lot of power there!"

Chapa just grunted and continued to beat the shit out of the punching bag.

Ray shot her a look, which went unnoticed. Chapa had indeed a lot of power in her, but she had to learn to save her strength. Chapa also really had to get her emotions in check.

And coming from him, that meant a lot.

The girl was a ticking time bomb, with more anger bottled up inside ofher, than it was healthy.

To be honest, Ray was kinda worried.

Although he would never admit it, Chapa was like a daughter to him, and he cared deeply for her. Even more, than he had cared for Henry. Henry was his best friend, but Chapa felt like family. The daughter he never had, but might soon officially have.

Ray smirked to himself. Chapa had no clue about the adoption papers laying in his bedroom. Everything was nearly ready. It was only a matter of a few days.

Ray watched as Chapa and Bose finished their drills and were about to switch with the siblings when suddenly the emergency alarm went off.

"Schwoz what's going on?!" Ray yelled.

This is how Legends are Made (Danger Force Chapa)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें