Knife to the Throat

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Prompt(s): Knife to the Throat

Warnings: Minor swearing, mentions of blood, hostage situation, child abuse

Published: 23 October 2020

Word Count: 3631

Checked with Grammarly.

Note: Yes. I'm still alive. 

A lot has happened since my last update, and even Disney allows it's maincharacters to be gay now. 

I'm really sorry it took me so long to update again, but it's really hard to write for a fandom, when there's no new content. I hope, that I will be more inspired again after watching some of the new episodes. 

I'm also aware that the formatting is off in earlier chapters, which is due me writing everything in word first, and than copying it over here. I will fix those issues in the near future.

Now enjoy, and maybe leave a small review!

Do you know those days, where you just question everything you do and have done?

Those days where you're wondering if you are even accomplishing anything with all your hard work.

For Chapa, today was one of those said days.

Over the last few weeks, Danger Force had fallen into some sort of rhythm.

Wake up, eat breakfast, school, lunch, training, homework, dinner, patrol,go to bed, repeat.

In between was, of course, also crime-fighting.

But no matter how many criminals they captured, the crime rate just didn't seem to lower.

It made Chapa feel useless.

And she hated that feeling.

Standing there and being incapable of anything but watching made her feel pathetic. She had, after all, done nothing but watch her parents leave too.

But her abandonment issues were something to cry over for another time.

Because right now, Chapa was busy crying over Ray's incapability to tell a story of how he and Ray beat a criminal, without making it about himself.

"And that's how I beat Drex," Said man concluded his story.

"Henry did. You were just there with your head stuck in a weird box, pulling a Hagakure and doing nothing." Chapa said with a yawn.

Ray snorted. "No one asked for your opinion, Bakugo!"

"What?! I'm not Bakugo!" Tiny sparks emitted from Chapa's hands.

"Nah," Miles said, "You totally are."

Chapa glared at him. "Shut it Ojiro!" She snapped back.

Bose looked at his friends confused. "Why are you calling each other weird names?"

Mika was about to explain the references to him, but Chapa interfered."Don't bother Yaoyorozu. Kaminari wouldn't get it, even if you spelled every single word."

Ray sighed and looked at his... roommate? Subtenant? Adoptive daughter?He actually wasn't sure what kind of relationship they shared right now, but they definitely weren't just co-workers anymore. (If youinterpreted that sentence in any other way, burn-in purgatory).

"Why do you always have to be so mean?"

The girl shot him a sarcastic smile before responding. "Sorry. It comes in a package with my fucked up childhood and mental health issues."

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