Animal Attack

779 23 8

Prompt(s): Animal Attack + Being watched + Biting

Warnings: Swearing, Blood

Published: 7 August 2022

Word Count: 2890

Checked with Grammarly

Is that a bird? No! It's a chapter!

Yeah, I apologize for the really long wait. I think it's been like a year? Oops.

But in my defense, I was in my final year and 2022 has been all over the place.

But now that I've graduated, I'm (kinda) back. And I've also brought you a gift!

I made a timeline! So now you can always check where or rather when we currently are in this AU. The link can be found on my profile and conversations board (since you can't copy-paste links out of books) and as a special treat, you can already see what I've planned next. If you don't want to know just yet and would rather be surprised just don't read past the spoiler warning.

And before you dive into the new chapter: Please have mercy on me. I had one year of Spanish and that was like 5 years ago so please feel free to correct any mistakes I made.

And now enjoy!

"You smell that kids? The scent of nature."

"No, that's just the dog poop you stepped into earlier," Chapa replied while helping Mika unpack their tent.

"I didn't!" Ray not so subtly dragged his boot through the grass. "Besides even if I had-"

"Which you di-"

"Did not!" Ray emphasized, "It certainly wouldn't have been dog poop, but a very dangerous apex predator, like I don't know.... A bear!"

Chapa ripped Ray's backpack out of his hands, opened it with a smug smirk, and pulled something out of it. "You mean Theodore Roosebear? I highly doubt that it was him, but you can never know, right?"

Ray snatched the teddy bear out of Chapa's hands, clutching it protectively against his chest. "Stop it! You will hurt his feelings!"

"It's a fucking toy."

"Shh!" Ray scolded her, covering the teddy bear's ears, "Language!"

"I gotta post this," Miles laughed and took a picture before he frowned. "What?! No signal! Oh, come on, man!"

Ray took the phone out of the boy's hands. "Doesn't matter, because you won't need that here anyway," He held out his free hand to the others. "That goes for all of you. No electricity. Give me your phones."

Mika and Bose complained but realized that they didn't have much of a choice and handed over their phones.

"No electricity? Does that mean I can leave?" Chapa asked hopefully.


"What?! That's a justified question!"

Ray groaned. "No! You can't!"

Chapa's shoulders dropped. "It was worth a shot." The disappointment was clear in her voice.

"Just go and get some firewood or something!"

The girl chuckled slightly at his frustration and turned toward her female friend. "You got the tent cowered, Macklin?"

"Are you trying to insult me?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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