Snippets from the Streets (Part 2)

562 18 5

Prompt(s): BrokenNose

Warnings: Minor swearing, Blood, Violence

Published: 26. February 2021

Word Count: 2312

Checked with Grammarly.

Chapa splashed some water into her face, enjoying the way it cooled herdown.

The girl raised her head, looking at her reflection in the bathroom mirror.

Three fights, three wins.

Not bad for her second week.

And except for a few bruises and scratches, she had managed to avoid any major injuries. Her split lip had also finally healed, only a scar on the left side of her lower lip acting as a reminder.

Chapa smiled as she thought back to her first fight. Her opponent had laughed at her, told her to go back to mommy and daddy. That had been a very bad idea, regarding Chapa's past.

Let's just say there was a lot of screaming on his hand.

Chapa looked at herself one last time, before carefully bandaging her knuckles.

She had no idea who her next opponent was, but the way Fate had looked at her earlier promised nothing good.

However, as long as she stayed on her feet she should be fine.


The former hero left the bathroom, walking through the waiting area towards the cage. The crowd parted in front of her as she entered the cage through an open gate.

Shen odded at the man in the center of the cage, who started yelling into his microphone. "This is the fight you have all been waiting for!"

The crowd cheered wildly.

"In the left corner, we have our newest member, who only had three fights but hasn't kissed the floor once: EL DIABLO!"

More cheering.

"And in the right corner, we have the man, famous for his brutality and habit of destroying the newcomers: BONECRUSHER!"

A man, who looked like the ugly child of Atrocitus, Bane, Gorilla Grodd, and King Shark, pushed himself through the crowd and into the cage.

His jaw and nose were deformed, a part of his right ear was missing, and oh Chapa now understood why Fate had looked the way she did earlier.

"Hey girly! Shouldn't you be painting your nails or something?" He taunted laughing as he had just been told the funniest joke on earth and beyond.

Chapa set her jaw. "I'll paint them in your fucking blood you overgrown piece of trash."

The announcer quickly fled the scene, not wanting to be in the middle of their wraths.

Chapa and Bonecrusher started circling each other, the former knowing that one wrong move might as well end her life today.

Bonecrusher apparently already had enough of waiting and launched himself at Chapa, who reacted quickly and rolled out of the way. The girl got up and threw a quick combination at his head, which he easily blocked. Chapa moved back slightly, ducking away under his counter and jabbing at his ribs. The former hero blocked his knee with her elbow but was forced to bring some distance between them.

She cursed.

Her attacks hadn't done one fucking thing. It was like with the one guy at the aquarium.

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