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Prompt(s): Abandonment

Warnings: Minor swearing, child abandonment

Published: 5 June 2020

Word Count: 2326

Checked with Grammarly.

The wind blew around the branches of the few trees, which were lined up along the small street that leads to Swellview Academy for the Gifted. Heavy rain poured down from the sky and flowed down the street, taking leaves and twigs with it. The sound of thunder tore through the night, a bolt of lightning flashing through the sky.

A strong gust of wind blew the hood of her Chapa's hoodie off her head, the water drops now hitting her face. Chapa didn't pull her hood back up, as it would have been blown off right again, and instead raised her right arm to shield her eyes, her other hand tightening on the straps of her backpack. Chapa was already soaked to the bone. The wind making her shiver. 

Almost there, she thought.

Volt could already see the school. Just a few more steps, than she could finally escape this weather. Another lightning bolt appeared on the night sky, lighting it up in blue colors.Chapa felt a familiar buzz in the center of her chest. That had happened a lot lately when she was near huge amounts of electricity. It didn't hurt or something like that. It was actually kinda comforting. The girl assumed, that it was because of her powers.

By now Chapa had reached the school. She quickly pushed the huge double door open and entered the dark classroom (Yes, the school was unlocked, deal with it). The door fell close behind her, while Chapa heavily leaned herself on her desk, water dripping onto the floor.Suddenly the light turned on and Ray appeared.

"Who is-Chapa?! W-What are you doing here?" He asked walking closer.

Chapa raised her head a little.

"Ray I-I-" She took a shaky step forward, trying to explain herself. At once her knees buckled.Ray practically jumped forward and was just able to catch her, before she hit the floor. He slowly lowered her to the ground, putting her head on his knee. Ray slapped her way too pale cheek, trying to wake her up.

"Chapa! Wake up! Chapa!" But the girl didn't regain consciousness, her eyes only moving behind closed lids.

The man sighed and put one hand under Chapa's knees and one under her head. Then he picked her up and carried her towards the tube. A girl her age shouldn't have been that light.

Soft. That's what Chapa's surroundings felt like. After the last week, it was a foreign feeling. 

Chapa opened her eyes. 

She was in a bed?

Oh yeah... Ray...

This must be his room then. After a quick look around, her suspicion was confirmed. She knew Ray had a huge ego, but twenty-eight pictures of himself?! In one room?! That was a little too much, even for Ray.

Next to the bed laid her backpack, which Chapa was very grateful for. She still wore her completely drenched clothes and as fun, it was to invade Ray's privacy, there were certain things she didn't want to know about her boss.

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