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Prompt(s): Stabbed + Stitches

Warnings: Minor swearing, blood, attempted mugging

Published: 18 April 2020

Word Count: 3107

Checked with Grammarly.

Mika, Miles, Bose, and Chapa were walking back to the school from the grocery store. Yes, the grocery store. Ray had said it was superhero training, Chapa had said it was slavery and that Ray was a fat old man with an ego problem. The two yelled at each other for a few minutes, until Ray had threatened them with a run through the desert. Chapa wasn't to thrilled by that image and eventually gave in. The four had then left, but not before Chapa showed Ray some pretty clear hand signs and made use of a few really colorful words.

After what felt like hours, they had finally finished their shopping trip. And Chapa had learned a very important lesson: Shopping with Bose is a punishment, which should be used in hell (No Bose, we're not pushing you around in the shopping cart!) If Mika hadn't interfered, telling him they would get ice cream later, Chapa would have probably lost it and punched him. She was already pissed because of Ray, and Bose really pressed her buttons.

Although Chapa was still angry, her mood slightly bettered, when they used Ray's money to pay for the ice cream. She knew it would annoy the dead out of him. Mika had told her she was acting childish, but Chapa only huffed out some air and told her, that Ray was the one acting childish. And yes, Chapa knew how childish that must have sounded.

When they had finished their ice cream, the Danger Force continued their way back to the school. Of course, Miles could have teleported them, but both Ray and Schwoz had told them several times t only use their powers during training, on missions or if they don't have any other choice at all.

Each one of them carried a paper bag, filled with groceries for Ray*, some wires and the stuff Schwoz needed to make their gums. They were walking in comfortable silence and even Chapa had calmed down a little. Suddenly they heard screams from an alleyway to their left. "No! Please! Let me go! Help! Help, please!" The four shared a look before they set down their bags and carefully peeking around the corner. There was a young girl, probably only a few years older than themselves, and three elder boys, who looked like 16 or 17. The boys had the girl cornered, laughing at her. " No one will come! Give us your money! And your phone!" The boy in the middle yelled at the girl, who was shaking from fright. He was the leader out of the three and enjoying this way too much for Chapa's taste.

Chapa carefully sneaked closer and hid between to dumpsters, her friends following her shortly. "We need to help her," Miles said. "Yeah. That definitely counts as an emergency." Chapa agreed. Quickly, each of them pulled out a piece of gum and blew a bubble. "I will call Ray," Mika told them which earned her a snort from Chapa. "Fuck Ray! We don't need him!" Before anyone could react, Volt dashed out of their hiding spot and ran at the boys.

The leader of said three heard rapid approaching behind him and turned around, only to be met with Capa's fist. The sudden impact hit him completely unprepared, making him stumble backward. "Rocky, ya alright?!" The boy to his left asked. Rocky rubbed his jaw. "I'm fine, Paul."

Volt felt her friends taking their places. "Go," Mika said to the girl, who didn't have to be told twice. Chapa cracked her knuckles and smirked. "So we can do this the hard way or the easy way?" She really hoped they would pick the hard way. Rocky looked at his companions. "Matt. Paul. I think we need to teach these kids a lesson. Assuming they don't pee their pajamas first!" They laughed at his really bad joke. Rocky smiled evilly. "Oh, and the red one is mine." Then the fight erupted.

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