Glass Shards

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Prompt(s): Glass Shards

Warnings: Minor swearing

Published: 26 April 2020

Word Count: 1257

Checked with Grammarly.

The day had started great. It really had. Chapa had slept well and kicked Mika's butt during training. She had even managed to hit all targets with her lightning bolts! That had actually happened a lot lately. Like the others, Chapa had greatly improved at using her powers.

Right now, they were all sitting at their desks waiting for math to start, since Schwoz had told Ray, they needed 'real' education. But before they could start, the emergency alarm went off. Chapa threw her hands in the air. "Yes!" "You are always way too excited for emergencies," Mika said, shaking her head. "It's the first mission I'm allowed to go on since I got that scratch." "I thought you were stabbed?" Bose asked confused. "She was." Miles crossed his arms. "Come on guys... It wasn't that bad..." "You nearly lost two liters of blood!" Mika yelled. "Meaning I still had at least four left!" Chapa snarked, pushing the red button on her chair. Mika sighed. "It actually takes a loss of three liters to bleed out." However, the others ignored her and followed Chapa.

After everyone had gotten dressed up, Miles was about to teleport them away to an art gallery, were a robbery was taking place, Schwoz showed up and called after Chapa:" Try not to get injured this time!" "Fuck off!"

One hour, 12 minutes and 45 seconds later:

"Argh! Careful Schwoz!" Chapa cried out as Schwoz pulled another glass shard out of her back. "Well I have to get them out," he said, putting the piece of glass into a bowl with a bunch of others. Chapa mumbled a few inaudible words, most likely curses and shifted a little in her seat. Although they had managed to stop the robbers, something just had to go wrong! Chapa knew this day had been too great to be real.

Bose and Mika were sitting on the couch. Bose was playing on his phone, while Mika drank a glass of water. Miles sat on a stool, getting his wrist wrapped up by Ray. Chapa herself also sat on a stool, her red shirt pulled over her head and a grumpy expression on her face. "Don't be grumpy. This is your fault after all." Chapa shot Ray a glare. "How the hell is any off this my fault?!" "And how did you even manage to get so many glass shards stuck in your back anyways?" Schwoz, who sat behind Chapa, questioned, pulling out another shard, right under the backstrap of her black sports bra.

"I had an argument with a window." The girl hissed. " Oh really? Who won?" Bose asked. Chapa shot him a fake smile. "We both had pretty good points but in the end, I had a breakthrough." "That still doesn't answer my question." Schwoz had decided to interrupt them before Chapa would start smashing heads. Mika resolved on helping her friend out and started explaining.


They had just arrived at the art gallery, and not a second too late. The robbers had nearly finished their heist and were about to make their escape. However, five heroes stood in their way. The air was tense and everyone knew, that this wouldn't end without a fight. Chapa grinned to herself in excitement. It was of course always nice to beat up some bad guys, but after her little break, Chapa couldn't wait (and I just realized that rhythmed, I'm so sorry) for the battle to begin. Although they were technically outmatched ten to five, they should be able to win this with their powers.

Volt made the first move by throwing a lightning bolt at one of the robbers, shocking him into dreamland. To her dismay, the remaining robbers didn't seem to be frightened and promptly attacked. More fun for me, Volt thought and started trading punches with the nearest criminal. She managed to land a few good hits on his torso and head, but he didn't buckle. "Volt duck!" ShoutOut called out behind her. You see, normally Chapa would have yelled at her for telling her what to do, but she had come to the realization, that maybe she should listen to her teammates during battle. So Volt did as she was told and ducked. ShoutOut's foot shot over her head, hitting the criminal right in his diaphragm. He gasped in pain and surprise, but before he even had a chance to process what had just happened, Chapa had jumped up and delivered a hook at his temple. The man fell to the floor and didn't get up again.

Chapa looked to her left and saw how Brainstorm and AWOL also got rid of one robber. Miles grabbed his left wrist and grimaced. "Hey, you alright?" Mika asked with concern. "I think I pulled something. But it's not that bad. I can still fight." "Okay just don't pull a Volt." Chapa listened up at the sound of second identity, raising a brow in question. "What's that supposed to mean?! (Cat has entered the chat) Miles ignored her. "Don't worry, sis. I will stop if it hurts too much. Not like others." Chapa now understood what they were referring to. "Seriously?! I thought we had already finished that conversation?!" She yelled and turned around, shocking a robber, who had tried to sneak upon them. "Four down, five more to go." The girl then rushed over to Ray, since he was fighting all of the remaining robbers alone. And she honestly didn't want to discuss the topic of her latest injury any longer. Why were they bothering anyway? It wasn't their life and certainly not their problem. Chapa didn't get, why everyone made such a huge deal out of it. Yes, she had lost some blood but it had turned out alright in the end.

Chapa's train of thought was interrupted by a robber kicking her in the stomach. Volt cursed after she had regained her balance. She had allowed herself to get distracted. Again. The robber tried to punch her, but this time Chapa blocked. The girl shook her head to get back into the game. Now was not the time to reflect on the past or to think about feelings. The man tried to throw another jab, however, Volt grabbed his fist, twisting it. He hissed in pain, trying to break free, but Chapa punched him in the face and hit him with a lightning bolt afterward.

"Volt move!" Ray suddenly yelled, but before Chapa even had a chance to blink, a weight hit her in the side. Chapa got thrown backward, right through the window, the echo of her friends' voices following her. Glass cut through her entire back, tearing through suit and flesh. Chapa hit the floor gasping, as the wind got knocked out of her. The glass shards pressed even deeper into her skin. Chapa cursed and groaned, slowly sitting up. AWOL, Captain man, ShoutOut, and Brainstorm peeked through the shattered window. "Are you okay?!" Bose asked. " I feel like a pincushion but otherwise I'm alright!" Chapa answered getting up and dusting off her suit.

Back in present:

"So could know somebody explain to me, how any of this is my fault?!" Chapa questioned. "You didn't move," Ray said. "I didn't have a chance to.!" "Guess you need better reflexes then!" Chapa jumped up. "I will show you how good my reflexes are!" "No, you'll not," Schwoz said, pushing her back down. "I still need to pull out some shards and it was your fault." "Oh come on!"

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