Ch 36 - The choices you have

Start from the beginning

"Can I meet Mr. Adam?" she asked.

"I am sorry at the moment Adam is underground and no one is in contact but I will see what I can do about that. But why you want to meet him?" I asked.

"You told me so much about my past and apart from you no one else or any proof is there to make me believe you" She said looking at me trying to figure out whether what I told was true or not.

It amused me to know that she was straight forward. "When you don't believe me how can you believe someone you have never seen Love" I questioned.

"I will figure out something" She said and making me raised a brow at that. "Mr. Davis are you related to Mr. Lorenzo E Davis she asked changing the topic

"It's complex to answer" I said observing her.

"Why?" She asked.

"I am not sure whether I am related to him but I have been called with Davis Surname from the time I could understand things" I said truly.

"Another question that is in my mind is why Richards and his family use Evans as their last name when they should be Davis" She asked curiously.

"Evans is the middle name of Lorenzo and Leonardo didn't wanted to be involved in the Davis empire so stood up his own and took Lorenzo's middle name also the maiden name of his grandmother as his" I answered.

There was a silence but still there were some questions lingering so I breached the silence and said taking her hands in mine "I know you have other questions too, ask away"

"You know so much about me and you told me everything as if you have seen everything in front of your eyes, but you are not old but from what I can see you are around Richard's age" She asked suspiciously.

Her expression made me laugh and I said "Love I am 26 years and yes I did tell you about your past because I investigated it and my sources are of top notch and I pay them to maintain that quality work".

Little did she knew I was the shadow of Lorenzo since I was 5 years. He told me everything that he did, even why he did. The man took his last breath infront of me telling me that even though he told me everything but that one secret, the secret of my life and  before dying cursed me I will never be able to live a normal life because he wanted it that way and he is not sorry for that.

She looked satisfied with that and then she asked "You told me Lorenzo made Dad sign the wedding contract. Was that the reason Richards married me?"

"Yes and I believe I don't have to explain it more you have experienced it" I said trying to figure out whether she was feeling anything about that.

From her expressions I could gather I felt as if the puzzle in her mind was solved and then she asked "Is he alive Mr. Davis?"

"Who? Lorenzo?" she nodded her head "No love he is dead but his legacy remains and you are a part of it now" I told her.

"How am I part of it? I am not his daughter or granddaughter?" She asked.

"Love the contract that your father signed" She nodded " bonded you  to Lorenzo's family. You are owner of 40 billions of property and Evans family will not let you go. That was the reason Richards married you and Steven was trying to get you involved with himself and Ivan became your friend" I told her.

"What?? Ivans... he  cannot be .." She shook her head in denial but when I nodded she said "Mr. Davis you may be right about Richards and Steven but Ivan, he is a genuine friend and he is not from Evans family" She replied annoyed.

"Are you sure Love? Ivan Carlos is the first born of Leonardo and Savannah and he is very much an Evans or should I say Davis" I told her.

"No... it cannot be... he .. he cannot be" She shook her head not looking at me trying to deny the truth.

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