Once he regained himself from the shock that you had actually just hit him, he laughed and walked closer to you. "So, we're playing this game?" he said, suddenly pushing you backward, causing you to fall. You tried to catch yourself with your hands, but the force was so much that you ended up hitting your head on the ground. "A game you are definitely going to lose."

You stood up, wiping the dirt off of yourself yet again. "What's the stupid game you're wanting me to play, Pan," you asked, very annoyed. "And stop calling me love."

"Then what should I call you? Your name?" He asked, taking a step closer to you, not breaking eye contact.

You shook your head. "No," you told him. He smiled slyly.

"Fine, then." You rolled your eyes. "Here are the rules for the game. You can go anywhere on the island and you get a 5-minute headstart to outrun the lost boys. If you can outrun them for 20 minutes, you leave with your life. If they catch you in those 20 minutes, they get to do whatever they want to you. Whether you live or not at that point is up to them." The lost boys made small noises and movements of excitement.

Your heart started racing. You had been trained to fight, but you would never be able to outrun this many boys. You gave Pan an incredulous look and he just laughed and stepped backward out of the circle.

"C'mon boys," he said composedly and all of his lost boys grouped up behind him. He smiled at you. "5 minutes. Your time starts now."

You just stood there, heart racing, staring at him, disoriented and not knowing what to do. You looked around and wasn't sure where to run, but you knew if you didn't run now, you'd be caught. You looked back at Pan.

You did not consent to this.

You took a deep breath and headed off in one direction. You ran through the trees and bushes, realizing you needed to run faster. The further you could get in this time, the better. 

Your heart started racing faster despite the running. You were starting to panic. You knew that soon this would turn into a panic attack and would hinder your ability to escape.

You had been running for a bit, but you had no idea how to tell how much time had passed.

You heard a howl like noise from back in the direction you came, followed by the shouts of a bunch of boys. The 20 minutes had started. 

You ran faster. Maybe you could climb some trees to avoid them. They would be smarter than that. You took a sharp left, jumping over a fairly large-sized boulder. 

You knew nothing about the island. You didn't know where the best places to avoid the lost boys or to hide.

You eventually found a large bush you could hide in for a little bit to catch your breath.

You started crying a bit, unable to stop the tears from falling. It felt like it had been a really long time when in reality it had only been a few minutes. You knew the boys would find you the minute they started looking in your area, so you got up and started on the run again.

You looked up, hoping to find a tall tree to climb up when you heard some of the boy's laughter away behind you. You bolted, trying to make your footsteps quiet.

You could hear them getting closer. Your breath hitched as you jumped into a bush where you would be hidden. The bush scraped your arms a bunch, but you were too scared to care.

You tried to stifle your breaths and cries as they neared. They stopped only a few feet in front of you.

They had been following your footprints. You could tell they noticed you stopped.

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