Prologue - 3: The Future Ultimate Students (2)

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All the information I've had to retain over the past hour still swims around in my brain like a whirlpool of sentences. Each person, each area, each incomprehensible fact. Being knocked out one minute, and in a room full of people I've never met the next.
I think about how I'd rather be in bed, or at home with my dogs. Now more than ever, I want to whip out my phone and spam text my mom with cries for help.
But I can't give up now. My whole life is in the hands of Lorem University.
"God, look at the pair on her," A harsh, male voice catches my ear, and I tune out all my nagging thoughts to listen closer.
"Uh, yeah," Another male voice says, slightly higher pitched with much more inflection than the first, "Totally. Boobs are awesome."
I spin around to see two men sitting on one of the grey sofas set up around the common room. One of them is hugely tall, easily the tallest in the room, with a burly figure and well-formed face. His hair is a gentle fade from the deepest of blacks to a striking bleach blonde, only just falling into his dull, blue eyes. A huge scar runs from his eye down to his jaw. He wears a tattered black coat overtop of a red varsity jacket. Every inch of his attire seems to be rugged or unkempt in some way, apart from his bright white trainers that can't have been cheap.
The other boy is much smaller and shockingly skinny. His tanned skin is dirty, eye bags dark under his red colour contacts. His white hair is held up by a grey hairband, matching the colour of his tracksuit and trainers. Strangely, his arms seem to be wrapped in bandages, and a used cigarette sticks out of his pocket.
"Bet she's a bitch, though," The taller grins, smirking in a smug way that sends me raging, "Scrap that, I know she's a bitch."
The comments seem to be directed at another girl sitting on a stool within their view, perhaps listening in to the crude remarks made about her, but I divert my attention from her to focus on the two men.
"It's funny, though," The taller continues, "They can't just walk around showin' off their rack and get mad when we wanna look. Like, the fuck?"
The smaller nods after every sentence, paying as close attention as he can.
I clench my fists, grinding my teeth against my tongue to hold back a fit of anger, and head towards them.
"Hey," I say, surprised at my own assertiveness, "Who do you think you are? That's demeaning, you shouldn't talk to her like that."
The taller looks at me, smirking in that same way. Looks like that'll be common for him.
"Oh," He grins, "Look at that pancake tellin' me what to do."
The smaller boy then laughs hysterically.
I look down at my chest. He's not wrong, I haven't always been particularly rich in the chest area. But it's never been something I'm insecure about, at least not until now.
"I'm not just my body, asshole," I frown, placing a hand on my hip.
"Dishwasher," The small boy snickers, the taller swatting him in the arm to keep him quiet.
I groan, "Guessing you two are my classmates, huh?"
The taller boy grins again, "Look, I don't take orders from no one. Including you, lil miss pancake."
Trying to maintain my composure, I feel my seething anger almost hit its boiling point. Why should I take insults from either of them? They probably don't have more than one brain cell between them. Yet they get to me all the same, crawling up through my skin and punching my heart.
Suddenly, the taller man holds his hand out to me, his expression never once changing, "Heh, how rude of me. I'm Kaso Sukeo, Future Ultimate Basketball Prodigy."


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