Prologue- 1: Lorem University for the Not-So-Gifted

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hi, apparently i wasn't very clear on my last chapter. it wasn't from kihona's pov! i sadly cannot reveal who's pov it is, but to 100% confirm.
the character in the last chapter is dead. they were killed by the anonymous attacker.
just to clear up any misconceptions because i'm fucking stupid

"Just know that if you hide, it doesn't go away."

Vrr, vrr, vrr.
The moment I step off the boat, my phone starts vibrating in my bag, muffled by all the random junk I've thrown in there over time.
Vrr, vrr, vrr.
I tut, rolling my eyes, and begin rummaging through the bottomless pit of my handbag, but my long, fake nails can barely grasp a tissue.
Vrr, vrr, vrr
"Jesus, shut up," I murmur, hoping none of the people around me heard. Eventually, the phone is in my hand. The screen reads 'Mom', and the temptation to press that little red 'decline call' button has never been stronger. But if there's a time she'll want me to answer, it's now.
Vrr, vrr-
"Hey, Mom!"
To my dismay, it's not just my mother. Every member of my family simultaneously greets me, their voices distorted by the lack of signal. I clutch my luggage in my hand and hold my breath.
"How's everything going?" My mother practically squeals, "What's it like? Oh god, I just can't wait to hear!"
I chuckle lightly, "God, I've only just got off the boat."
"She's off the damn boat?" The voice of my older brother, Eiji, instantly clicks in my brain, sending a wave of anger through my veins, "Congrats sis."
Why did *he* have to ruin my day?
Ignoring my mother's incoherent babbling, I take a look at the building in front of me, nerves bubbling in my stomach.
Lorem University for the Gifted. Possibly one of the most sought after schools in Europe, and it's standing right before me.
Despite the pictures I'd tirelessly scrolled through online, its beauty takes me rather off guard. Each building is a deep, red brick, paired with white painted windows, and covered in ivy as if placed by hand. Yeah. I can live here.
"It's beautiful," I smile. My mother lets out a strange noise, similar to that of a hamster, before being interrupted by my father.
"You have an image to uphold here, Kihona," He says, his voice not once faltering. I sometimes wonder if he's actually an emotionless husk, "Don't let us down."
Of course, he has no interest in my success or grades. I doubt he even cares about me at all. The Hideyoshi image is all he's ever cared about, how well his business is doing, how much money he's earning, it's all the same to him. And still so much more important than his own children.
"Kihona!" My little brother, Ryuto calls, presumably further away than my parents are, "I love you! Tell me all about it tomorrow!"
His words fill me with elation like they always do. By far the sweetest member of the family, Ryuto has always admired me in a way. Like the annoying younger siblings people have as a kid, where they copy every single thing you do.
But Ryuto is so genuine, so kind. He sticks out like a sore thumb in terms of personality.
"Ryuto, be quiet," Eiji shushes him, and his voice fades away.
"Mom, it's almost 9," I say, hoping and praying the signal will just cut out there and then, "I should be leaving now."
"Yes, yes!" Mother says, her words quick and snappy, "Of course. Do well, darling!"
"Don't get fucked!" Eiji taunts me.
The moment we exchange our goodbyes, I hang up the phone, and their voices are gone.

A few other students are beginning to come into the university, suitcases in hand. Some are waving to their parents, others are in huddles of friends, whispering to each other about lord knows what.
Well. This is it.
The Lorem University for the Gifted isn't like any other university. Though it resides on a small, uninhabited island off the coast of England, it attracts many students from across the world with its prestige. You have to have potential - the potential to be amazing at what you do. And I was one of the lucky ones, picked as one of the few Future Ultimate Students.

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