Chapter Four - 6: Unexplored Territory.

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Shiro's words don't quite settle in for a while. They linger in the room like a foul smell, refusing to go away. And then I feel it - the lightning speed rushing of my blood through my veins as I sense the force of my heart thumping. I'm about ready to fall from my chair, my body trembling. It can't be true, it's not possible.

"Are you sure?" Mitsuharu raises an eyebrow, as if his interest is piqued somehow.

"I'm certain," Shiro nods with a gulp. His hands instantly tense as he says this, gripping his cravat and grinding his teeth.

Haruka's skin turns grey with fear, "Oh my god! We have to find him!"

"N-no, wait," I say, "We can't. The others are still in the building. We need to find them."

Aki squirms in her chair, "What's going on? I-I don't wanna die."

"Look," Mitsuharu says. His voice slices straight through the air. Pursing his lips, he sighs. So calm, so unamused and collected. We all stay quiet, just staring back into his cold emerald eyes. With a callous flick of his hair, he continues, "Clearly we need to split up. Find Daiki, find the others. I'll go with Shiro and Kihona. Aki, Haruka, go find the others. If Shiro is right, we'll need all the help we can get."

I move by Mitsuharu's side, inching closer and closer to him. Despite his demeanour, I've never quite felt so safe - so comforted by his mere presence. Shiro nods, following my actions.

"Oh god," Haruka gulps, grabbing Aki's bony hand, "D-don't worry, Aki, it's gonna be okay."

Aki looks up at her as Haruka drags her way, and I can hear her cursing in pure panic as she pulls the scrawny girl down the corridor.

Trying to ignore the sound of my racing heart, I turn to Shiro, "A-are you really sure about what you saw?"

Shiro gnaws on his nails, "Well, I certainly saw Daiki. And he didn't look particularly well."

"Then we find him," Mitsuharu says, "Lead the way, Shiro."

Nodding, Shiro races off ahead of us, beckoning us to follow suit. The three of us bound through the halls of Lorem. Skidding around every corner. Barrelling through every door. Ignoring all signs of the world. The wind blows against us as we charge, as if it's trying to force us backwards with all its might. I can't help but think I'd be thankful, as I dread the sight of Daiki. The idea of him wounded, lying in a pool of his own blood. Horrifying. If I could cross my fingers I would. We bolt past the entertainment block, ignoring the stone paths and sprinting to the tower block where we'd spent The Game. A misfortunate building, surrounded with the curse of death.

And as we approach the foot of the block, I see it.

Daiki's corpse.

What was once his head is now a splatter of flesh and bones across the pathing, like his whole skull has been crushed by an anvil. He's mangled; warped beyond recognition. Perhaps if Shiro had never told me it was Daiki, I'd never know. Before I know it, I feel the skin of my palm against my lips as I clamp my hand over my mouth. A cry, so muffled and hopeless. I wish I had the energy to scream more.

"Holy shit," Mitsuharu gasps, "You were right."
Shiro tries to fight back tears, clenching his fists, "Of course I was right, you bastard! Why would I lie? Why?"
Mitsuharu opens his mouth to speak, but his words are cut short by that same shrill voice from the robotic bear. He screams through the loudspeakers, laughter reverberating across the campus.
"Well well well," Monokuma snickers, "Another one bites the dust! Please make your way to The Game block to discover the hottest and latest homicide!"

Horrific. The only descriptor I can think of. A bloody mess lies by my feet, what's left of Daiki's head splattered with crimson. My own head throbs imagining the agony.
Whoever did this to him is one sick bastard.
As Mitsuharu ducks down next to the body, Haruka comes bounding towards us, trying to keep hold of a squirming Aki. Her feet skid against the dirt as she speeds to a halt, her face stricken with a ghastly look.
"Jesus Christ!" She shrieks, tightening her grip on Aki, "I-it's true..."
Shiro practically growls, "For god's sake, why did no one believe me! I'd never lie about something like this. Never!"
"Don't get aggressive, Shiro," I say. I place a hand on his shoulder, grazing my palm along it in my best attempt to calm him, "We need to focus."
"Yeah," Mitsuharu sighs, "Maybe instead of throwing a tantrum we should focus on, you know, the dead fucking body."
"Bad word," Aki mumbles, nuzzling herself under Haruka's neck. She looks at the body, her expression deadpan and almost bleak. Wincing ever so slightly, she turns away, back to Haruka,

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