CONCLUDING UPG - thank you for reading!

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hey there.

so it's been way over a month since i posted my last update promising that UPG would be finished in note form.

im gonna cut straight to the point and say i cannot fulfil that promise.

at the time of posting i saw myself finishing this by now, and thought id have the motivation to get it all done. but i was wrong, and at this point the script form is more of a burden than writing it in full.
since neither is a viable option anymore, and also because i've moved onto things im more excited about, i've decided to finally put this unfinished story to rest.

i genuinely cannot apologise enough. the person it pains the most is me (unless there happens to be a UPG megafan lurking somewhere, hi if you are). ive loved these characters for a good chunk of my life, some of these characters quite literally growing up with me from age 10 to almost 18 (ayana. it's ayana. lmao), but i think i bit off more than i could chew with this project. it came out at a bad time, i was just doing my GCSEs. i rushed the planning so it was much harder to write. and i didn't pre-write (or write at all for that matter) nearly enough.

im really REALLY sorry to everyone who was invested in this story. i know there was a few of you, and it does really hurt to have to bring this to a close, especially after promising i wouldn't for so damn long.

i was originally planning to do a wrap up of every event in bullet points, however once again my depression (i think. still gotta get that checked out!) has kind of paralysed me and my brain shut off. so im literally just going to give a summary of the cases here.

if you require any further clarity please just comment and i will try my best to reply to you all! however some of this information may not make sense, be a bit blurry or have plot holes, purely because it's been so long i can hardly remember my own story.


Victim: Haruka Nico

Killer: Mitsuharu Tadaka

The Game room building suddenly catches fire, forcing all the students to evacuate the building. However, one student remains missing as the building burns in front of them - Haruka.

Overwhelmed by guilt over their arguments, Kihona decides to race inside to try and find her and save her from the flames, however the fire doors have clamped shut and she cannot reach her. In a frenzy, Kihona runs down to the panic room, entering the key code '2393'

Haruka's charred body is discovered several hours later.

At the scene, they find a half melted bottle of acetone and one of the knives from the game room. Ayana has put together the order in which people left the building in order to find out who was most likely to have killed Haruka.

At first, Kihona is pinned as the most obvious culprit as she willingly re entered the building to find Haruka. Without any more evidence at the scene, they regretfully decide it's most likely Kihona is the culprit.

Kihona starts to beg Mitsuharu for help, because she once again thinks he's hiding something. Eventually, he breaks down and admits he killed Haruka.

He prompts Kihona to find the reason why and piece together the case

Mitsuharu had walked into the main lobby of the Gane Room, where Haruka was resting. He was trying to find a spot to redo his nail polish which had chipped. He was holding his lighter in his pocket, a bottle of acetone, and he still had hold of the knives he'd collected from The Game. At this exact time, Mitsuharu was hit with the Mastermind's additional motive - a hallucination of his worst fear at that time. He sees an image of Haruka holding Kihona's lifeless, decapitated head. Overcome with rage, he flicks on the lighter and shoves it inside the bottle of acetone, and throws it at Haruka. The fumes catch light and the fire begins to spread rapidly. To make sure she cannot escape, he stabs her in the arm with one of the knives, and leaves the lobby where the fire door clamps shut after 5 seconds.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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