Chapter Four - 1: The Mastermind

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happy late birthday to tory aina! it was the 11th april

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happy late birthday to tory aina! it was the 11th april. hope you enjoy your birthday in heaven.

i guess it was minato's birthday as well on the 20th (no it was not intentional making his birthday 4/20, it was randomised)

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i guess it was minato's birthday as well on the 20th (no it was not intentional making his birthday 4/20, it was randomised). not like im going to celebrate or anything but i GUESS i have to treat my children equally or the government will take them away.

"I want a love that falls as fast as a body from a balcony."


My eyes open.
I feel the cold prickle of stone against my back, tickling every edge of my body awa-
No. I remember this. I know what's happening
Without another thought, I sit straight up. It's the same. Same school building, same dejected grey sky, same looming sense of dread.
It feels like it has every time. Like someone is watching me, analysing my every move upon this rocky plain. I brush off my skirt, craning my neck to every angle to scan my surroundings.
There's nothing, but I know what's coming.
I hear the scream again, a scream I'm well used to by now. So used to that I don't even flinch when I hear it. Just an eerie chill running through my body.
That's one thing.
One, two, three, four; I count on my fingers, awaiting the next occurrence. It's clear in my memory this time. I'm expecting it.

And there it is. The same black shadow hurtling towards me.
As it charges straight for me, I swerve out of the way, just missing its gaping void ready to swallow me whole. A jet black cloud of smoke, slowly beginning to dissipate, revealing a figure.

Red. Red hair.

Light, once again. The green sheet hanging over my bed. Duvets wrapped around my limbs. Sweat in my hair.
It was another dream.
It's a routine now - I groan, pulling the covers over my head. I'd rather die than get up, but the dirt and oil clinging to my skin almost shove me out of my bed.
Sitting up, I glance around at my room. I haven't tidied in here since I first arrived, a sight my parents would be utterly disgusted at.  Perhaps I should tidy, but right now that's beyond my concern.

Three people. Three people died yesterday. And somehow we're expected to return to normal. To just go about our lives and act as if nothing ever happened. Like Amai, Mamo and Kuroko never existed.
With a sigh, I roll out of bed, almost throwing myself with the weight of my own body. I wade through the sea of clothes and blankets on the floor, throwing them on the chair tucked under my vanity. It'll keep it clean for a little while, at least until the lingering memory of my friends' deaths fades into the same blur the past of this game has become. Their legacy should live on forever, but one day they'll mean nothing.
Taking a deep breath, I decide to skip out on the shower. Though nothing sounds more tempting than the soothing warm water and fresh soaps, I know I should head down to breakfast. I haven't checked the time yet, but I assume it's rather late.
I throw on the hoodie and leggings provided, slipping on a pair of shoes before leaving for the canteen.
No one is here to greet me today. Not Mitsuharu, not Haruka. I keep being reminded of Haruka's strange behaviour, how she seems to be avoiding me. Like I've done something wrong, but I can't possibly imagine what.
Shaking the thought away, I stroll through the corridors, around every corner, down every flight of stairs, until I reach the canteen.

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