meeting old friends

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SCARLETT'S POV            ( this is set in season 2, I am making my own storys up, but I will do season 3)   

i had been awake since 6 am, and now its 9 am, I've been reading my book about 2 people finding love, 30 pages I have read, I heard a knock on my door ' come in' I said, it was Liam. 

we have been together for awhile now, he and sat on my bed and hugged me ' not now babe, i'm sleepy' ' why?. let me guess you woke up at 6 am because you had a nightmare and couldn't get back to sleep' 'yes'. I hated having nightmare's, it was the worst thing ever ' Scarlett, do you remember when you had to burnywood because elm tree house got closed' 

I had to go to burnywood with carman and sapphire.  I felt sad for carman, she had all her stuff nicked, by a boy called Tyler, I know some kids there, becuase i used to go there.

'i'm getting up, are you coming Liam?' 'yea, i'm gonna get dressed, I will meet you downstairs' 'ok' he gave me a kiss on the lips, then left. 

i got dressed into 

i put some black converse's on (  n/a : in real life I have black converse's), after I had got dressed, i went downstaris, I saw Liam sitting down and looking at me, I smiled at him, he smiled back, ( ps: mike is scarlett's uncle), ' good morning ...

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i put some black converse's on (  n/a : in real life I have black converse's), after I had got dressed, i went downstaris, I saw Liam sitting down and looking at me, I smiled at him, he smiled back, ( ps: mike is scarlett's uncle), ' good morning Scarlett, how did you sleep?' mike said ' I slept fine, just woke up at 6 am and couldn't get back to sleep'. 

after breakfast i went to see mike ' mike have you heard anything from my sister' I have a 18 year old sister called Addison, we have met in the past and I have her phone number but I haven't hear from here for a long time ' i'm sorry'. 

just then i got a phone call from my friend lizzane 

L : hey girl, wanna meet up later around 1 pm at the park

S: sure, oh tell the others I say hi 

L: i will bye 

S: bye 

skipping to 1 pm 

i told mike and gina that I was going out for an hour, and they agreed, I went to the park and saw Lizanne he she saw me she ran at me and hugged me 'scarlett I haven't see you for ages, how are you? hows life?' 'woah, slow down, ok first off i'm fine and second life's great' 

me and Lizzane had a great time, ' well I better go, mike and gina might tell me off,' ' ok bye', I have her one last hug before going. 

when i got back i went to the living room and saw Frank and Liam playing pool ' hey guys' ' where were you i was looking for you everywhere' ' I was hanging out with an old friend Liam' ' oh ok'. 

that night 

i got ready for bed and slept 

omg 577 words people that's a lot 

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