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this was the worst, Liam was over protective of me since we got to the shops he has been hanging around me like a camera ' Rick can you please take Liam someone else' ' why' ' he's  following me like a camera and its annoying' ' fine, hey Liam there's a rich man over there' ' really, wait there' ' run Scarlett go with Lizzane and the others, meet us where the beaches are' ' ok' I ran to Lizzane ' hey belle, where's the boys,' ' oh just around' ' we haven't met I'm Tara' ' hi Tara I'm Scarlett' 'nice' ' I'm Maya' ' hi Maya' ' so you and Liam are a couple' Tara said ' yea why' 'i have a crush on him'. 

I was so mad but I manged to keep my cool. ' if you touch him or look at him, or go near him, I'll kill you, you may have a crush on Liam, but don't he's MINE' I was about to walk but I saw the boys ' Liam I didn't say you' I was scared ' that was amazing, Tara fyi I hate you, and Theo maybe go with Tara because me and Scarlett are taken' I went up to Liam and kissed him, he put his arms around he waist until we were finished kissing, then we kept walking. 

when we got back I saw Addison ' hey cheeky girl' ' hey Addie' when Theo walked in he was all over her ' well well, your pretty' ' i have a boyfriend and I don't live her plus I'm older' ' ok' Theo just leaves us, I gave Addison a hug  ' what are you doing here?' ' just came in to talk to mike about Tracy' ' about what' ' i have to go'. 

that was weird 

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