the rich

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i was hanging out with Liam in my room we were talking about Lizzane and frank ' I mean frank is a nice person but... Lizzane I don't trust her babe' Liam said ' please trust me Liam, she's my friend,' ' no if she is going to be your friend I disagree' Liam was sitting on my bed on the ledge and my head was lying on his legs ' um... I'm friends with Rick and Tyler' ' that's ok because there boys and i trusted them' 'hang on Liam... this does make sense, your telling me I can't be friends with a gold digger and because our mums knew each other when were younger and when Lizzane got taken away from her mum because she was metal, then I got taken away from my mum and dad 1. because my dad was a criminal and that my mum was a drunk and 2. we got spilt for 3 years then I have to move into burnywood I finally met her  and became besties, then I had to leave and come here because I was kicked out ,then elm tree house got closed so I had to go back then I saw Lizzane and she over the moon to see me, then came back here and now there here and NOW YOUR SAYING TO ME I CAN'T BE FRIENDS WITH SOMEONE I HAVE KNOW FOREVER'. 

'um.... ok you can be friends with her' ' thank you Liam' ' I have plan but your gonna have to go with it' ' whats that Liam because if it is helping you steal anything i'm not' ' no' (whisperers the plan in her ear')  ' ok as long as you say you hate her' 

no one's pov 

me, tee, lilly, and carmen went to see Lizzane in the living room who was straitening her hair

s : scarlett

t: tee 

l: lilly 

c: carmen 

L: lizzane 

c : erm, Lizanne can I borrow your new straighteners please ? 

L: get your own 

c : we're not all as rich as Liam, you know 

L : what do you mean ? Liam's not rich 

s: um... yea i bought me this diamond bracelet its about £9,530

t : its true and his uncle's totally minted 

l: he's always buying stuff for Liam 

s : liz , why do you think i'm dating him. for him to buy what ever I what yes 

c : its so true, he's like a total zillionaire 

(liam comes in' 

liam : hey girls 

girls : hey liam 

L: hey liam 

(scarlett goes up to Liam and wrappers her arms around his neck and kisses him, Liam puts a note in the back pocket of her jeans, luckily Liam's back was facing the girls.

s: i gotta go babe, but remember were going shopping so you can buy me that necklace I wanted. its about £89,00

Liam : i won't forget, I love babygirl 

scarlett : love you too 

(scarlett leaves) 

c : anyway we'd better go) 

( the girls leave, carmen gets her phone and films Liam and lizzane) 

scarletts's pov 

i got the note out of my back pocket 

 scarlett i really do hate Lizzane, i'm sorry I have to do this, just remember i will  always love you liam xxx

hey guys thats the end , the next episode in tracy beaker returns season 3 is the power cut, i'm not going to do that yet, i'm going to make my own one's up now 

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