Chapter 18: Explained

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Yo people how are y'all doing?

(Y/n) POV

I stood there, waiting... for what exactly? May God know. Everything felt blank, as I stared into the blizzard, snow touched my bare skin, but I felt nothing... I heard in the distance the slight crunching of snow.

Someone is here...

I felt the "cold" wind whip violently through my body, it felt like it was whispering the sounds of death. was there something else in the snow? I watched as a silhouette formed in my eyesight, it was inching slowly. If only I could squint my eyes to get a closer look. I finally saw the figure as it stood in front of me, long flashes of (h/c) hair, blows in the wind, I caught the tears gently sliding down the (s/c) red cheeks, tinted by the cold. (E/c) eyes stared straight at me, or was it going through me. the words 'Reset' glowing a silky orange light in the pair of eyes. She made no noise, as she stared at me. Or was there never noise in the first place... She ducked her head, her hand grasping tightly at her arm. When she looked up, the snow that was falling seemed to stop, i was met with glowing red pinpricks, a thick black substance pouring out from her eyes. A wicked smile spread through her cheeks, it was pitch black, and the same black substance leaked out. And next thing I know, it lunged at me, hand inches away from my face, everything went black for a split second, and suddenly I was met with sliver, ringed  pinpricks opening up.


I jumped fifty feet in the air from my bed, my scream echoing through the little room. Dust flinched awake. (if that will ever make sense) "oh my God, can you last one night without screaming everybody in the whole neighborhood awake?!" Dust scolded, "oh god..." I panted "I had another one of those dreams!" Dust stopped mumbling angrily, "what?"


"So your telling me, that you just saw yourself almost kill you?" Dust said "yes." I said grabbing onto my arms, "I-it scared the living sh*t out of me.." I said, "look, there's something going on, that dream, your dreams, have to be telling you something, and your over here flinching and keeping secrets!" Dust said, "your not telling me anything either!" I said accusingly "how come your here in this universe? Why is all this stuff happening to me when you came? My life was completely normal until you came" I said, Dust sighed "look" I stared him down "I didn't tell you those things because I had no reason to trust you. And I know that was stupid of me-" he sighed grabbing onto the bridge of his "nose", "I'm am going to tell you everything right now, no more keeping secrets..." he said. I sat down on my couch. "When you, or the Reset, left my universe somehow. You also unintentionally brought some of my universes code along too, so that's when I come In, one day I woke up apart of this universe, well a bitty. So what I am now is not me, it's just a code of me, but somehow the universe thought that I was just a bitty so I am way smaller than what I usually am. Listen, you have limited time to get back to my universe, if you don't, you will drag tiny bits of my universe into yours until the universes collide and cause a disruption in the "galaxy," and trust me, a disruption is not something pretty." Dust explained, "so... how do I get back to your universe?" I asked, "simple, Reset"  "how do you know that?" I asked again, "not hard to figure out, a Reset will just turn back time when the "monster" falls down, so, before you even think about going" he said. "Do you know why I left the universe?" I asked "nope, no idea" he responded. "Now it's your turn, I told you why I'm here. Now you have to tell me what you saw that day." He crossed his arms, "come on! Go ahead" Dust said impatiently. "It might be hard to believe though.." I said hesitantly "oh trust me, I don't know what to believe anymore." Dust chuckled, "I saw this girl, when we were walking, in an nearby alleyway. she has almost bronze, brown hair. Very pale skin, short and skinny body, the creepiest spine-chilling smile I will ever see in my life." Dust eyes widened every second I was talking, "kinda- a green sweater with something yellow in the middle?" "Stripe" Dust said, "what?" "A yellow stripe.." Dust said quietly, "yeah... and she had the most bizarre-" "red eyes.." Dust growled, "she's here" he said darkly,


Hello readers! Hope you don't hate me for posting it in late, i was really busy this week with the party and everything, but I would like to give a thanks to one of my readers for a very big note of inspiration thank you MoonlightPotatoTeam I couldn't really respond to the message you sent me because Wattpad was being a bug with the whole "change your email" thing but i will try to get it fixed.



Lone (Bitty!Dust!Sans x Reader) DISCONTINUED.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora