"You just did it again!"

She pushed him back a bit with her hand to soon find herself snorting even more, but Peter found himself thinking that her snorting was actually... pretty cute for some reason.

"Margot!" Both teenagers turned to Ms. Warren stalking towards them with her hands placed on her hips. "I already know that this disastrous incident is all of your doing!"

The raven-haired girl opened her mouth and - "It wasn't her fault!" Peter defended her, even though he never expected for those words to slip out as he watched both Ms. Warren and Margot stare at him in surprise, while he continued, "It was me, who mixed up the chemicals by accident. I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing, so I poured in the wrong concoctions, so, please don't blame her for my mistake!"

"Well, then..." Ms. Warren exhaled, pushing up her glasses from her nose. "Just be a bit more careful next time, okay?"

Margot scoffed. "How come he just gets a slap on the back, when you were just about ready to go off on me?"

"Because good students get second chances," The teacher answered, grinning at Peter before her smile soon faded into a scowl when she eyed Margot and said, "Bad students get something else!"

A loud ring of the school bell sounded, signaling all students that it was time to go home since science was their last class for the day. Forming her hands into fists, Margot stomped out of the room, leaving trails of foam behind, while you could hear clumping and squeaking noises with each step.

"Margot, wait!" Peter called out, running after her to catch her in the hallways as he struggled with trying to not slip from still being covered in foam himself. "Margot, please, wait!"

With a swift turn on her heel, Margot stalked towards Peter with a hostile expression, still having her hands clenched into fists. "Why did you take the blame, huh? Did you just do it to make a fool out of me or something?" She accused, even though both of them looked like a couple of fools with all of that foam covering all over them.

Peter shook his head. "No! It wasn't like that at all, I swear..."

She interrupted, "Just because you took the blame for me, doesn't mean we're cool because we're not, and we never fucking will be!"

"Margot, that wasn't my intention!" Peter didn't mean to make it seem like he was trying to make her look foolish at all. He didn't even expect the outcome, and it was completely uncalled for. "Margot, please, just listen to me -"

She decided to ignore him and storm off as he continued to call out to her, and headed straight for the Girls' restroom to rip off tons of paper towel from the towel machine and tried scrubbing out the foam from her shirt, which only did nothing but smear it in and make it even worse, causing her to groan. She couldn't believe that she actually allowed herself to have fun with some lame nerd that she was surprised had practically had the same schedule of classes to take as hers. She looked at herself in the slightly stained mirror, feeling miserable, and just couldn't wait to soak herself into a nice and warm bath. Well, this day can't get any worse, she thought to herself, before reaching through her pocket for her smartphone, only to realize that it was completely out of juice. And, it's been confirmed that I am officially jinxed.


While walking on the sidewalks of Essex Streets in the city of New York and catching sight of the crazy cars driving by at a rapid speed, Margot tightened the straps of her backpack as she tossed up her hoodie over her head, due to embarrassment, seeing that she still had smeared foam on her clothes, and hoped that no one would see her in such a miserable state, while having a cigarette placed in between her lips before blowing out smoke, allowing it to waft around her and all in the air.

"Hey, you!" A sudden and raspy voice called out from behind, causing Margot to turn on her heel to see a balding elderly man that seemed homeless because he was wearing dirty, old clothes. He was standing around the corner of Delmar's Deli grocery store, gesturing with his hand for her to come forward as she was already close to the place.

She cringed and with hesitant eyes, she decided to approach the poor man, but with a few cautious steps and said, "Uh - yeah?"

The man grinned wide, showing his rusted teeth, causing her to try and hold back the gag that was urging to erupt from her mouth as she watched him scanning her up and down, and biting down on his bottom lip.

"Well, I need a tall glass of water!" The poor elderly man said with a smirk, licking his lips and hauling himself up from the ground to step close to her, causing her to back away a bit. "Wanna have sex, pretty lady?"

Margot narrowed her eyes and shook her head. "What? No, you pervert!"

He chuckled. "Worth a shot!" The man then noticed that the teenaged girl had a phone clutched in her hand, causing his eyes to grow wide. "Nice phone you got there."

Margot stared at him warily. "Um - there's nothing special about it..." Then suddenly, her phone was no longer in her hold as the man snatched it out of her grasp and ran off with it. "Hey, get back here with my phone, you bald bastard!" She sprinted after him in the middle of the dangerous streets, neglecting the thought of cars driving by as she tried to catch him. "Give me my phone! My entire life is in there -"

And suddenly, Margot found herself bumping into someone, causing her to slip and fall down to the ground, and that was when a large dumpster truck was driving straight in her direction, causing her to gasp as she turned to it, but before it could hit her, she was suddenly hauled up almost instantly by this middle-aged man that was nicely dressed in a suit, so he must have been stacked with a shitload of money. She turned her head to face him as he stared at her with concern with his brown irises that matched her own.

"Are you okay?' He asked with a raised brow. "Don't you know that it's dangerous to be running out in the streets - especially here in New York? Why are you running anyway?"

She backed away from him. "It gets me places quicker!" She turned back on her heel to run after the homeless man, hoping to catch him around the creepy corners of New York or something, as she practically forgot to thank the man, who just saved her life. "Get back here before your ass gets stomped, old man!"

The billionaire scoffed and chuckled slightly as he shook his head. "And this is exactly why I am never having children!"

 "And this is exactly why I am never having children!"

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