"Namjoon? What are you doing here?"

" Sorry for dropping by unannounced. I would have called but...I didn't know your number and Yoongi wanted these reports as soon as I got them done."

You stepped aside to let him in. "You know it's Sunday, right?"

"Yeah," he sighed. "Can I get overtime for this?"

"Remind me tomorrow and we'll get it done. Do you want a drink or something while you're here?"

"I'm fine, thanks. You seem tied up anyway," he added, nodding towards your phone. You could still hear your mom just talking to air and you sighed heavily. 

He chuckled and left, telling you he'd see you tomorrow. 

You shut the door and brought your phone up to your ear. "(Y/N)? Who are you talking to?" your mom asked.

"A friend was dropping off something for Yoongi. Listen, I promise that we'll be ready for the shareholder's meeting, okay?"

"And no more of your childish antics?"

You silently cursed your dad for telling on you too. "You have my word."

"Great. Talk soon, sweetheart."

The second you were off the phone, you turned your attention to the binders. What could possibly be so important that he needed them on the weekend?

You opened one up and saw that it was a bunch of diagrams and charts. Information on the sales of your family's company.

"Huh. Maybe he'll be more prepared for this meeting than I thought."

Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening. You turned to see Yoongi cradling a paper bag in his arm as he walked to the kitchen.

"What's that?" you asked.

He pulled out the bottle to show you. "Whiskey. What's that?" he countered, nodding towards the binder in your hand.

"Namjoon dropped them off. I think you need these more than whiskey."

"I disagree. My parents are hiring a caterer for that dinner party and I'm going to need something stronger than champagne to get through a whole evening with them."

"Let's get through this shareholder's meeting and then you can celebrate."

"Relax, I've got it under control."

You shut the binder and set it down on the table.

"Fine. Then while we're talking about it, you should know I asked Amy to come."

He glanced up. "To the shareholder's meeting? Didn't realize she could."

"To the dinner party," you clarified.

"Oh, no. She can't come to that."

"What? Why not?"

"I already invited Hoseok."

You ran your hand through your hair. "I'm still not seeing the issue."

"It's simple. We have eight chairs and my mother is a stickler for table settings."

"Right. My parents, your parents, the two of us, Amy and Hoseok. That's eight."

"Except Jungkook is coming."

"What? He's your cousin, he had nothing to do with our wedding!"

He shrugged. "My parents already invited him. I can't un-invite him, he's family. Besides, Hoseok's already familiar with my parents so it'd be good to have him there."

"Then the two of us are going out to eat with Amy instead."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, I am. If she can't be here, then we're going to see her. Your parents aren't going to control my life." He opened his mouth to protest. "Jin can come too since he can't come to this dinner."

"Fine, we can go on a double date."

"Excuse me?" 

His lips immediately morphed into a smirk.

"What? We're married now. We can go on dates."

"It's not a date," you mustered out finally, making your way up to your room. "And don't even think about sneaking up here."

Yoongi laughed as he picked up one of the binders from the table. "She needs a drink more than me."

And as you got ready for bed, you found yourself having the same thought.

The next week of work went by fairly quickly. Yoongi got up on time every day, Jin took you both to work.

Yoongi finally seemed to understand how to handle some of his emails and phone calls. Although part of that was because Namjoon had slipped a cheat sheet into one of those binders to help him along. He paid slightly more attention to the meetings he attended and started writing them in himself on his calendar.

And you were working hard in your own department as well, still trying to catch up from the two weeks of chaos during your wedding and honeymoon. Your father had been present during that time but since he'd already stepped down, he was only helping with the big ideas that needed approval, not the daily goings-on. That made your job harder, but that was certainly nothing new.

Namjoon popped in to ask you questions every now and then and you helped where you could. If you didn't have the answer, you always managed to direct him to someone who did. He was inquisitive as well as a hard worker and you were thankful he started when he did. It took some of the weight off your shoulders.

Friday morning, you came downstairs with a garment bag slung over your arm.

Yoongi glanced up from his coffee. "What's that?"

"Extra clothes in case I need them." He blinked at you. "For the shareholder's meeting."

"Do I need extra clothes?"

"Probably not," you sighed. "I'm just trying to make sure I'm presentable. My parents will kill me otherwise. As long as you wear a tie and suit jacket, you'll be fine."

He nodded. "Jin's waiting outside, you can hand those off to him. I'll be out in a minute."

Once you were gone, he went into the bathroom and splashed some cold water in his face. He felt overwhelmed with the amount of information he would have to remember. 

But he took a deep breath and straightened his back. He was the director, he could handle this.

He could do this.

An August WeddingWhere stories live. Discover now