Chapter 29

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(All video contest competitors, due to some personal issues, the results will not be posted until tomorrow.)





Despite my aching body, All through the night I sailed amidst the darkness, using only the stars as my guide back to shore. At the break of dawn dawn when I finally saw the shores of Arendale in the distance, I was suddenly filled with immense gratitude towards my eldest brother Benjamin, for forcing me to keep up with my stargazing studies, even when I argued otherwise as a moody child.

I made a mental note to thank him for it when I got back home... If I got back home.

I hid the boat in plane sight. After all, non of these beastly fellows would notice something amiss from one of their own vessels docked in the harbor. With most of the enemy still sleeping, and only a few on guard, it wasn't hard for me to break into the stables where my steed, a magnificent white stallion named Thunder, was held captive. He was confiscated from me when Anna and I were taken Prisoner, and placed here.

With only minutes until the camp wakes, I have no time to steal supplies. I enter the stables. A guard sleeps in the corner, propped up on a stool and snoring loudly. Thunder whinnies with familiarity when he catches sight of me. With the sun just starting to rise I ride free of Arendale, using the few, remaining shadows of darkness as cover.

My heart pounds madly against my chest as I try to ascertain that I am definetly not being followed. But after a little backtracking and covering my trail, I am reassured.

With a pace that could put a racehorse to shame, we gallop through the woods. I ride hard all day, stopping only to allow my loyal steed a drink. When the last few rays of sunshine disappear behind the mountain I finally spot the summer castle in the distance. Exhausted and still in pain from yesterday's battle, I approach the the castle.

"It's the prince!" I hear the voice of a guard on the wall call out. "He's still alive!" Calls another.

The newly reinforced gates open with the clinking of metal. As the metal gates rise I see a burly blonde figure marching toward me from within the castle walls, followed by several of the Arendale guard. I dismount and lead my horse inside. The only light that illuminates the place is from several campfires and the mass of torch bearing troops headed my way.

The figure leading them has his fists clenched to his sides and his jaw deadly set. My mouth gapes when I realize who the man is....

"Kristoff... You..." I stutter in surprise. "Your alive?!?"

It's as if he doesn't even hear me, he growls and closes the distance between us in 3 bounding steps. Before I know it a giant fist is hurtling towards my face. Hitting me square in the jaw. I find myself sprawled accross the ground. "Where is she?!?" He curses. "What have you done with Anna!"

My ego is brushed to the side. I am filled with only guilt. Not even angry at the common fool who just assaulted royalty. "I..." I sit up and downcast my eyes. "I had to leave her."

"You treacherous bastard!" Is all I hear before all I can feel is club sized fists raining into my stomach and chest. "Let me explain!" I screech out as my guards pull him off of me. "You left her!" He spits. "Only you, the scum of the earth could abandon a damsel to those beasts to save your own hyde!"

I rush towards in and attempt to retaliate only to be held back by my very own men. "Do you think I wanted to leave her?!?" I cry. "She ORDERED me to! Forced my hand! She risked her life in order for me to escape." I struggle but with little avail. "The last thing I wanted to do was leave her!"

I don't know what it was. Maybe the genuine sincerity in my voice or the mad look in my eyes... But something made him stop struggling. Something made him listen to me. "Release us." I ordered.

Slowly I limped over to the nearest bench in the garden. Clutching the ribs that I could feel to be cracked, I sat down and told Kristoff, as well as my men... The daunting tale of what had happened. Telling them the bravery of their queen. Her sacrifice to save my pathetic life.

He listened, arms crossed and face set sternly as I recounted the woeful tale. Leaving out that brief moment of passion we had shared...
I figured, something's are better left unsaid. It probably meant nothing anyways.

"With your Queens quick thinking I escaped with little troubles, I rowed all night and docked in the bay. Gathered my horse, rode hard for here and... you know the rest." I finished.

He stood quietly, taking it all in. "I've got to go back for her!" He finally speaks. "You mean we.." I growl. "We've got to go back for her. I am responsible for her. I failed to keep her safe and I HAVE to make it right." I answer with a slight possessive tone.

"No." He says sternly. "No?" I raise an eyebrow. "I don't need your help." He glares. "Actually..." I cross my arms despite my aching ribcage. "You do." I continue. "You haven't seen the fleet. I have. Anna is going to need all the men she can get. That means my troops. Which means, yes, You DO need my help. This isn't an offer, this is GOING to happen."

"Why?" Was all he responded. Arms still crossed. "Why what?" I asked, not understanding the meaning.
"Why are you so quick to put your neck on the line for someone you last left to die? You could have easily rowed that boat to any other nearby kingdom and lived out your life safely? Why do you care?"

"Because she made me care. She made me, a 'self absorbed, treacherous, pompous rear end of a horse' in her own words" I quoted "Care about something other then myself. She cares so much about these subjects of hers, I've watched her interact with them. She's the finest queen I have ever known. The world needs more Anna's."

He gulped silently at my speech.
"Fine... We leave at first light."


-authors note-

Sorry about the long delay but I have been going through some personal issues... As well as having many guests crowded into our house for Christmas, I have not had the time to post regularly. But hopefully that won't happen again.

Couple questions. How did you find this story? What's your favorite thing about it? And has this fanfic changed the way you see Frozen or Guardians in any way?

Can't wait to see your comments and remember that the winner will be announced tomorrow!

Lots of love my little Frosties!

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