Video Contest Results!

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First off we'd like to thank all of our contestants for submitting such AMAZING entries. We loved every single one of them and were really honored that you beautiful people took time to make one. We didn't expect so many entries and it was so hard to choose out of all you wonderful people. Know that we love you all!

Second off, we received NO Entries for the book trailer contest. Which was REALLY disappointing. I could extend the deadline for entries on that one if you would still like to make one... We would not be able to put your name in the story though as a first place prize, but we could give you a week long SHOUTOUT in both of our bios instead. Comment below if anybody is willing or intrested on entering or should we just skip it.

And now... THE MOMENT YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!!! Time for us to announce the WINNERS!

First Place: DakotaYoung6
Honey, your voice just blew us away. The burlesque style in which you sung the song was just outstanding. You took stage by storm. You have got one heck of a set of pipes. Congratulations!!!

Second Place: Protecter_Of_Belief
Your voice was as close to what we had imagined while my sister was writing the cover. I (GeekPower1) absolutely LOVED the snow falling scene you had in the background. Congratulations!

Third Place: Angelbffs
You look so much like Elsa, And from your video seem like a total sweetheart. Thank you for being "a total frostie" Congratulations.

Honorable Mention: Bae4life15
Your a riot, and have a beautiful voice. We thought you were pretty funny and deserved a mention. Thank you so much for your entry.

Congratulations to all you girls. The first place winner will be messaged regarding the fist prize (your name in the book) all other prizes will be given out ASAP. (1rst and second place please message us or comment below which book in your library you want us to read) And as an added BONUS. Both my sister and I will follow all the winners as well as the honorable mention. Thank you so much for competing, we hope you had fun!

So much love!
-Geekpower1 and Mariska98

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