Chapter 7

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1014 AD

"Hans!?!" I sobbed in surprise.

Was he here to kill me to?

Using the sleeve of my thick wool cloak I wiped away my tears before they could freeze to my face.

"Get up!" He yelled, grabbing my wrist and jerking me to a stand behind him.

The battle raged on around us. My few surviving men and what looked like Southern Isle guard battles the enemy.

Bloodstained sword one hand and my wrist gripped painfully in the other he actually seemed to be protecting me. His sword clanking against the enemies, fending them off.

My fear quickly turned to rage. What is he doing here, shouldn't he still be in prison? He nearly killed me and my sister!!!

"What are you doing here?!? Let go of me!" I cried, trying to yank my wrist free from him. No use, he had it in a death grip.

"Quiet! Stay behind me if you want to live!" He hissed, sounding rather irritated.

Something solid hit me in the back of the head. Everything started to go blurry. I had just enough time to turn around and see the cause. A warrior armed with a slingshot.

Everything went dark.....

Elsa's and Kristoffs death played over and over again in a nightmarish dream. I could do nothing, stand helpless and watch as my sister and my courtier were crushed under tons of ice.

I screamed.

"It's ok, your safe now princess, wake up." My mortal enemies voice called out from beside me.

I opened my eyes to find myself in a strange room, lying in a strange bed.
A beautiful silk canopy hung over the elegantly carved mahogany bed I lie in.
We must have made it to the summer castle!

The back of my head was extremely sore and tender.

I groaned in pain as I gently massaged it.

"Ahh your awake took you long enough." A arrogant tone greeted me from the left.

I turned my head to see Prince Hans seated in the chair beside me. One leg slumped over the armrest in a rather unruly fashion. His usually pristine white trousers were stained with mud and caked with dried blood.

"You!!" I hissed, jerking upright. A decision I immediately regretted, as it sent shooting sparks of pain throbbing into my temples.

"Ouch!" I grimaced, leaning back down onto the soft feather pillows.

"If you would have stayed behind me like I told you to, that wouldn't have happened." Said Hans, tapping a riding crop against his boot.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

I concluded he was not here to kill me, otherwise he wouldn't have rescued me, just left me to die. But why was he here.

"What are you doing here?" I said through narrowed eyes.

"Your welcome for saving your life, no it was no trouble at all to carry your unconscious body on horseback while trying to outrun Barbarians, no trouble at all." His voice filled with mock sarcasm and annoyance.

I could tell he didn't want to see me as much as I didn't want to see him.

"I didn't ask for your help, In fact after what you did to my family, you are the last person on earth I would EVER for ask help, so done expect any gratitude from me." I answered menacingly.

He cocked his head sarcastically.

"Well actually Princess, you did ask for my help, so here I am."

If I wasn't so weak I'd march up out of this bed and sucker punch him, AGAIN.

"I never asked for your help." I glared.

"Ahh but you did. You sent a messenger to my kingdom for help."

Through my pain clot mind I remembered, he was the only messenger to not yet return.

"I was expecting a prince, or at least a general, not the lying, manipulative, murdering, scum of the kingdom!"
I shot.

He smiled, appearing rather unfazed by my insults.

I can't believe I was ever in love with this... monster.

"Look Anna, I don't want to be here as much as you don't want me to be, but frankly, saving this country is almost a suicide mission. My father didn't want to waste any of his precious princes on this lost cause, but he owed it to your sister. So he sent me instead, Now I don't get to go home until Arendale is saved, or I'm in a body bag. If you die, im as good as dead, So like it or not princess, your stuck with me."

The anger simmering inside me boiled over.

"Fine! But if you will not refer to me as princess again! I am queen now, show me respect or I shall have you flogged!"

Angrily He got up and dashed for the door, slamming it hard behind him.

I was grateful for the troops... I really was, but it seemed like a cruel trick of fate for my rescuer to be the person I deposed most in the world!

Sleep consumed me once more....

Short chapter, sorry, but no worries, will update more shortly!

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