Chapter 11

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The avalanche was nipping at Svens heels, the faster we rode, the faster it seemed to catch us up.

I could see the the castle in the distance, and at the top the sunlight reflected off of something copper red.

....Anna's hair

I could feel Svens huge heart pounding beneath me. He was as terrified as I was.

We raced along the bridge formed of solid ice when I began to feel it crumbling out from beneath us.

Svens backside slid down towards the rushing mountain ravine that flowed hundred of feet below us, his front hoofs clawing, trying to find traction.

I lost my grip and was soon falling...

Falling down and down for what seemed like an eternity, the last thing I remember before my body hit the icy waters was seeing my best friend safely making it off the bridge.

Death was not what I had expected it to be, I felt warm all the time, and their was this voice....

This beautiful feminine voice, sometimes it would sing, it would sing sweet sad songs or lullabies... But most of the time, the voice just talked to me. It told me stories, tales and jokes, it told me of it's problems, meager everyday things that most people took for granted. But I liked the voice, soft and sweet, it was always such a relief from the everlasting darkness I found myself in.

The voice told me It thought I was handsome, despite my huge nose, which made me kinda happy.

"I went down to the fish market, and the merchant was all like, "Hey aren't you that crazy lady who lives up in the mountains all by herself?" And I was all like "I'm not crazy, and I don't even want to buy your stupid, overpriced fish." The voice babbled on softly.

Suddenly the darkness started to lift itself, like a mysterious curtain being drawn back. My eyelids felt as if an enormous pressure had been lifted off of them.... Slowly I blinked them open.

Standing above me was a figure of a woman, my vision still too blurry to see properly, I didn't know who.

"Anna?" My voice croaked out in a horse whisper.

"Who's Anna? The name is Delilah." The familer voice replied.

I blinked, vision started to return. I was in a dimly lit cabin, and standing over me was a very beautiful brunette woman, she was very strongly built, and wearing a sea green summer dress. She had eyes like the midnight sky.

"Where...Where am I?" I tried to sit up but found that any movement brought excruciating pain.

"Don't try to move, you broke every Bone in your body and your still not completely healed." She warned cautiously.

I started to freak out a little...

"Where am I? Who are you? Where is Sven?!?" My words came out in a groggy rush.

"Calm down, your not in the right state to be working yourself up. My name Is Delilah, I found you washed ashore on the riverbank. I brought to here to my home and have been nursing you back to health for the last month. Your welcome." That last line she added quite sarcastically.

...I... I must have survived.

"Thank you, Delilah."

She started to laugh, her voice warm and full of life.

"It's funny, Iv been caring for you for so long, but I don't even know your name. What is your name?" She asked, plopping down onto the bed beside me.


"Kristoff, A good strong name, it suits you." Her warm dark blue eyes lit up.

"Thanks I guess."

The Sounds of birds chirping caught my attention, following the sweet song I was utterly shocked when I gazed out the open cabin window.

Green grass and strange trees bursting with the flowers of summer greeted me outside the cabin, and bright warm sunlight streamed through the window and onto the foot of my bed. The cabin sat on a cliff, overlooking a small town at its base.

"Where's all the snow?"

"Snow? What are talking about, it's the middle of summer?" She laughed in response.

The snow must have melted, or the curse has been lifted.

"Where are the Vikings? Did we win the war!?" My words came out in a nervous rush, anxious for answers.

"The Vikings? Last I heard they were seizing the kingdom of Arendale." She shook her head.

The kingdom of Arendale? What's going on, where on earth am I?

"Wait... what country is this? Where am I."

She started to laugh...

"Oh, wait your actually serious? Norway, duhh!"


-Authors note-

Surprise! Kristoff is not dead! What do you think will happen when he finds out about Hans? *laughs evilly*

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