Chapter 6

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I do not have any time for this. I will not listen to another word coming out of this lunatics mouth.

Does he really expect me to believe his nonsense?

Without another word I rushed past him and ran as fast as I could.

That would be as fast as my feet would take me..

Anna, I need to find Anna!

She's probably worried sick or worse if the army has already breeched the gates. She needs my help. I kept running and running then finally saw the end of the cave where the light was shining through.

I reached the end and was finely out of the cave.

But there was nothing. Nothing but ice and snow on the familiar mountain that I was on.

But that was to be expected since my palace had crumbled out from under me.

So I turned to face the direction of my kingdom but found nothing But yet again more ice and snow..

Where is my kingdom?!? Where is Arendale?!?

I was always able to see my kingdom from here. What has happened? Where did it go?

I ran, sliding down the hill as fast as my body could could carry me.

I was running for the longest time till I stopped when I realized that my kingdom was no longer there.

"It's not here anymore" the boys voice said from behind me

I turned around to met his soft yet sad expression but matched his with a furious one.

"What's going on? Where did my kingdom go?"

Yet he said nothing. Oh the insolence on this man made me ever more angry.

Where's Anna? I need to find her. I need to keep her safe.

"Do you not know who I am? What kind of powers I possess? Tell me now or I swear by my crown you will regret it."

My own words scaring the hell out of me. Im not an menacing person. But I kept my face solid awaiting his answer

"I am sorry your, but your kingdom is gone. And its been gone for a long time. It has been covered by a thousand years of snow and ice"

His words hit me like a rock. My whole world was falling apart, why? How? This could not be real. He is crazy. But I had to find out for myself. I had to be certain that what he was saying was true.

I stepped away from him, turning back to my nonexistent kingdom. I lifted my hands to outstretched in them front of me and I placed them together. Then I closed my eyes and felt my powers surging though me. I gathered all the power within and commanded it to do my will.

"What are you doing your highness?" The strange man called out to me.

"Silence" I ordered him

But I immediately felt bad. I should of not let my anger get the best out of me. After all he was the one to find me.

"Please" I pleaded, looking him in the eyes

He simply stepped back and nodded

And then I continued on with what I was doing. Feeling the power rise within once again and with one move I pulled my hands out to my sides then outstretched them again.

My powers shot through me and down upon my kingdom.

The snow started to part. Revealing more and more snow and ice.
I kept doing this for what felt like the longest time but could not of been more then a minute.

I heard a loud gasp from behind me but did not pay much attention. Soon enough there it was. What was left of my kingdom. It was in ruins. I dropped to my knees and cupped my hands to my face and began to cry

"You... Your like me?!?" The crazy boy mumbled.

Anna? Was she really gone? Has it really been a thousand years? Was this strange man right?

This was a fate worse then death it's self. To be the only one left. Everyone I cared about was gone And I was left here to face my life alone. Who am I kidding? What life? I have no life without my baby sister. Without my Anna

I felt more tears stream down my face. cool hand ware placed on my shoulder. I immediately looked up

He had so much emotion in his big blue eyes, but most of all under his concern for me I could tell he was shocked. I am guessing he did not know that I had ice powers. How could he? I have been sleeping for a Thousand years. Just the thought made my head heart and every other part of my body ache.

"Your just like me!"

Yet another cliffhanger!! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter since it was written by me. I'd like to make a big apology to @geekpower1 for not writing a chapter in this book before now. But anyways if you enjoy this book as much as I do then please vote and comment👌💕 until next time (Mariska)

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