Chapter 56

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"Your Grace, we are ready to raise the anchor." The Commodore informed me from the starboard side of the ship.

Despite the ache in my chest, a small silent smile pulled at my mouth. Your Grace, is what my father's old watchdog had just called me. I hadn't been addressed in that way since... well, you know. But it wasnt just him, all my men seemed different around me. Beneath the pain, the regret that burdened me leaving the woman I loved, a tiny sense of pride emerged. Not the usual over inflated, ego filled pride that was a permanent part of my personality, but a true and genuine one. I had actually done something to earn the respect of my men, to deserve the title I carry. It felt.... good.

I walked to the base of the ramp, stopping to take one look back at the beautifully shambled city. In a way it reminded me of Anna, but then again everything reminded me of Anna, I saw her everywhere. Taking a deep breath, I firmly planted my boot onto the ramp, trying to ignore the pain my body was in, i made my way the ramp. This little war had given me what I knew to be a well deserved beating. Besides my arrow wound and broken heart, I had 5 cracked ribs and 1 broken, the slowly healing gash on my shoulder, my nose broken, not to mention a bruised and slightly purple jaw from where Kristof had first decked me.

"Hans!" I hear a voice in the distance cry. "Hans, Wait!"
Only one person in Arendale called me by just my first name. My stomach turns with a broken spark of familiarity. I turn to the side and am flabbergasted by the sight of red curls and an unbelievable amount of white material rushing towards the ship. I couldn't believe it, I had to do a double take, it was Anna. She was bounding towards me carrying most of her royal wedding gown wadded up in her arms. My breath hitched, her red curls bouncing, the way the sun hit that white gown, it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. For a brief second, I let myself imagine it was me she would marry today.

"Anna?!" I turn around on the ramp and down back towards her. "What are you doing? You are going to be late." She was going to be late for her wedding, I could swear I heard church bells a few minutes ago. It occurred to me that she was going to try and convince me to stay for it. "I'm sorry, I can't stay for your wedding." I call across the dock, doing my best not to limp down the ramp.

When I reached the bottom, I was overtaken by a mass of white fabric, Anna did a dead stop just a few feet away, gown flowing out behind her. "Hans..." She let's go of the wad of wedding dress, smoothing out the creases habitually, catching her breath. "I'm so happy I got here in time, I was so scared I wouldn't make it."

"Anna, I'm sorry I didn't come say goodbye." I lean onto the rail, cutting over her, i knew what she was going to ask. "But please don't ask me to stay for the wedding, I cant." I shake my head. "You better go, or you will be late."
"I cant." She awkwardly shrugs. "It sort of... crashed."

"What?!" I don't believe it. "Which now, looking back..." She starts to ramble In her typical nervous excitement. "Elsa is probably going to kill me for."
"Anna, what are you going on about?" I cross my arms. "What happened?"
"You know that part of the ceremony where father pointy hat asks if anyone has any objections." She bites her lower lip. "Yes?..." I raise an eyebrow. "Well, I sort of... objected."

"Pardon?!" I exclaimed, to dumbstruck to form any other thought besides shock. "What about your whole happily ever after?"
"I couldn't marry him Hans... not after I realized I was in love with you."
My jaw nearly hit the floor. This had to some sort of trauma, mixed with pain killing herb induced hallucination.

"Which kind of worked out ok because he was in love with someone else too, which was shocking, and kind of stung a bit, but then I thought to myself I am in no position to judge and all..." She rambles again, before shaking her head, taking a breath and trying to get back on topic. "What I'm trying to say is, over this time we've spent together, this war, You have been there for me in ways no other person ever has, we have been through so much together. I've watched you change, become a hero... my hero."

"Back there in that church... I realized it was you I wanted to be across from me instead. Hans, when I'm around you, you make my skin feel like it's on fire, and my heart pound, I dont know whether to punch you, or kiss the life out of you. All I know is back there... I wanted it to be you, To have and to hold, and to annoy me every single day for the rest of my life." Her big green eyes stare up at me intently, meaning every word. "Back our on the battlefront, when we were about to die... I know what you wanted to say. I know you feel the same way, and this time.. for real."

Forgetting my injuries, I bound the distance between us and pull her into my arms. Her arms are around my neck in a instant and we share the most passionate kiss In the history of the Southern Isles. Her hands are In my hair and I'm pulling her so close she more then likely can't breathe... The euphoria I felt drowned away the injury the way a flood would a small fire.

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