Chapter 24

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Elsa POV

I felt a sting in my chest as I stepped out of the shower. I don't know why but the thought of Jack mad at me made me feel horrible. But why was he mad in the first place? And why am I feeling so bad about it? He stormed off in to the kitchen very rudely so I am in my right to be furious with him. After all I am a queen. No one turns their back to a queen before being dismissed.

I put on clean clothes and started to brush my long hair.

"Any day now would be nice" Jack yelled from the other side of the door.
Oh the nerve on that one.

"I will take as much time as I please. I will not be rushed. "

"Sorry to burst your bubble 'Queen Elsa' " he emphasized my name and title with annoyance. "But the full moon is not going to wait around for you and your girlish beauty needs"

I starred at the door in disbelief. Is he actually insulting me right now?

"It's called personal hygiene Jack. You should try it sometime." I spat. Before opening the door and shoving passed him.

I starred shoving all my things into a small brown bag then walked to the front door. Jack seemed to be watching my every move with a emotionless face.

I waited by the door for a few awkward moments while Jack just stared at me.

"Well?" I asked pointing at the door.

He looked at it and then back at me as he crossed his arms.

"Are you handicapped?" He asked

"Are you a pig?" I retorted. "Since when does a man not open a door for a lady? I asked in disbelief.

"I don't see a lady anywhere around here do you?" He said with a sarcastic grin.

I sucked in a breath. How dare he. I bit back the urge to slap him across his beautifully insolent face.

I opened the door myself and stormed out but not before slamming it in his face. A few moments later he came out of the house and starred at me in annoyance.

"What are you looking at?" I asked Betterly.

"I don't really know. But when I find out, you'll be the first to know" he mocked.

"Ouch" he yelled as I hit him over the head with my brown bag.

"You" I pointed at him. "You are the most annoying, rude, disrespectful, cow that I have ever met.. Ever"

"And you" He pointed back at me. "I am queen" He mimimicked.. "And you can't talk to me like that." He said in a girlish tone that did not WHAT SO EVER sound like me. "You would not survive a day in this world without me, even with your money and title. Oh wait, those things expired about a thousand years ago..."

"Money or title? Well at least I had those things. Unlike you who just goes around alone, year after year, making winter and happiness come to pass. Tell me Jack is it hard to make everyone else happy when you yourself are miserable?"

"Me miserable? I was perfectly happy until I met you!"

We both just stood there looking at The ground for what seemed like forever.

"Should we get going?" He asked looking up to meet my eyes.

"Yes." I replied quietly.

He put his hand out for me to grab.

I looked up at him annoyed with the fact that I had to grab his hand after our little fight. He returned the same look I was giving him. I Reluctantly grabbed it.

The minute his hand touched mine I regretted everything I said. I looked over at him but his expression was blank. What are you getting yourself into this time Elsa of Arendale?


Super short chapter I know but I have been working SO MUCH like you would not even believe. I will try to update soon I promise. You guys are amazing!! Please vote and comment💕


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