Chapter 22

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They shoved us rather roughly into a small filthy cell below deck of the Bloodhound. My spirits rose when I saw that indeed the lock on the door looked feeble and rusted. The skinny gangly one caught me staring and my heart sunk when he noticed the same thing.

"This lock doesn't look very strong, fetch me the one off of the jailers wagon."

Luckily the sound of the very strong jailers lock clinking into place covered up the sound of my heart breaking.

Determined not to let my sadness show, I demanded bandages and hot water be brought so that I could clean the wound on Hans shoulder. The tall skinny one reluctantly returned and threw the items at my feet. He had a smug smile plastered to his hideous face.

"Think your so tough now pretty boy? Well guess what, Captains ordered that you put on a little show for us tonight. Then we'll see how tough you really are." He seethed through several rotting teeth.

"What kind of show?" Hans asks, rising to his feet and clutching his wound. The barbarian leaned forward, clutching the bar doors with a malicious gleam in his muddy brown eyes. "Tonight you fight Big Valarry." He spoke. "To the death."

The man to his lefts eyes widened. "But Grooa, Valarry has never been defeated." Grooa turns to his friend and grins evilly. "And he never will be."

"This is absurd, we had a bargain!" I cry, placing my hands on my hips angrily. "I demand to speak with your leader, we had a deal!"

"He thought you might say that." Grooa laughs "He told me to tell you, You are our captive now, you have no authority anymore. Property of the Viking empire, all deals are off! "

Our guards, satisfied with their duties, left us. Speechless, I clutched my stomach, trying to control my breathing. This cannot be happening. Gathering myself I pick up the bundle of cloth and skin bag filled with hot water and turn to tend to my companion.

"This cannot be happening." I shake my head as I kneel down beside Hans, who had slumped to the floor the second the guards left. "Anna, don't panic." He tries to soothe me. "And stop looking at me like that."

"Like what?" I ask. "Like I'm on my deathbed. The battle has yet to begin. Look, I'm unmatched amongst my brothers with a blade, if I can just get my hands on a sword...."

I sigh, trying hard to believe him as I help him out of his jacket. The sickening red blood color had seeped through it. "Take your shirt off." I order, wetting the cloth with the hot water. "Oh Anna, at least buy me dinner first." He jokes, trying to lighten the heavy air. "Shut up!" I order, trying profusely to bite back a blush.

He unties his cravat from around his neck, unbuttons his waistcoat, and finally pulls off his sturdy white shirt. I force myself to only look at the wound on his shoulder, and not to let my eyes wander to ...other areas. I focus on my work, cleaning the nasty gash on his upper arm. Luckily it is only a flesh wound, and not very deep.

"You have a gentle touch." He compliments, watching me at work. We sit in silence as I clean and bandage his wound. It was nearing evening, soon the 'entertainment' would commence. He slid back to his spot beside me, our shoulders lightly touching.

"Soon they will be..." I begin but am unable to finish the sentence. "I know..." He responds, head hung low.

"Anna..." He speaks after a few minutes of silence. "I know this is not going to mean much, and your still going to hate me, which you have every right to..." He speaks humbly, raising his head till he is looking me in the eyes. He grabs my hand and holds it firmly. "What I'm trying to say is... I'm sorry. For trying to kill your sister, for trying to take over Arendale, and for being in general a pompous rear end of a horse." He shakes his head.

"And I know this probably isn't In the right order of things I should be sorry for... on the list of horrible, unforgivable crimes I've commited, the thing I'm most sorry for is what I did to you."

I look into his eyes and see only the truth, gone was the spark of mischief, he meant every word.

"I'm so sorry for everything I put you through, for trying to use you and breaking your heart. I know see what a fool I was. I shouldn't have been so selfish and immature, taking for granted a good thing when I had it. I should have just married you when I had the chance..." He lowers his eyes again. Dropping my hand. "Then maybe this whole war could have been avoided. These barbarians wouldn't dare mess with an allied kingdom."

I breathe deeply. Taking In all he was saying. I never in all my years expected to hear a genuine apology from this man. I am unable to respond, I can't even begin to form words.

"Hans I..." I start to say before he cuts me off. "You don't have to say anything. I'm not searching for forgiveness, Lord knows I don't deserve it. All I want is that you know that I am sorry, and that is enough. For us, for Elsa, for everything."

"You ready boy, it's time!" A Viking calls from above deck. I hear a jingling of keys. They are coming for Hans.

He stands up and straightens out his cravat. I rise as well. "Well I guess this is it." He states with a grin, trying hard to hide his dread. The jingling sound gets louder as they approach the door.

"Anna, Forgive me." He turns to me with nervous eyes. "I thought you said not to." I ask in surprise. "No not for that." He shakes his head, wrapping and arm behind my back. "For this." Is all he says before pulling me forward roughly and crashing his lips onto mine in a devouring kiss.


-authors note-
Dun dun dunnnnn.... *laughs evilly*
Don't forget to vote and comment with your thoughts! Love always, -Geekpower1

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