Chapter 13

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After 3 days the headaches began to subside. But that was a few of the most awkward days of my entire life. Being cared for by Hans was humiliating. Every mealtime he would assist me to eat, feeding me like a sick child. When he was not bringing me supper, he sat in that chair silently, leg slung over the armrest in the most unbecoming gentlemanly manor. Watching over me to ensure I didn't slip back under involuntarily. For hours on end, we avoided eye contact, or worse glared awkwardly at each other. Occasionally he would make some sarcastic 'helpless maiden' remark, or we would argue about the right way to fortify the castle.

On the third day I felt well enough to walk and had my mind set on seeing the entirety of my temporary sanctuary from the horde. With the support of a staff I had found under my bed, I slowly clambered out of bed and pushed myself to my feet. Hans was quickly at my side.

"Look you are clearly not strong enough for this, now climb back into bed princess, and ill send down for some tea." He advised.

I narrowed my eyes at him as I gripped tightly around the staff.
"Hans if you if you ever refer to me as princess again, I will personally behead you. Then you will see just how strong I am." I seethed at him.

"Beatrice!" I called out to my handmaidens chamber In the next room. And within seconds the kind, brown haired woman had appeared at my door. "Yes my Queen." She curtsied. "My day clothes please." I asked kindly. She shot me a worried look, but dared not question, instead brought went to my closet and pulled one of the only two dresses I had managed to bring with me, the one I was wearing on the journey here.

Hans stepped outside as slowly and slightly painful, my maid helped to me dress. She violently brushed through my tangled fiery red locks and braided them. Lastly she attached my sisters small golden crown atop my head and tied my deep pink cloak snugly around my neck. With a curtsy and my thanks, she left.

"Well well well, there was a person hiding under all that orange mane." Prince Hans joked, stepping back inside. "Your one to talk, carrot top!" I rolled my eyes. His hair was cursed with the same fire as mine.

Gripping my staff, I used it to walk towards the door. "I'm going to inspect the castle, you can stay here and preen over yourself or you can show me the grounds." I called back to him, not turning around. He was gazing at his reflection in the mirror of my mothers dresser.

"Nothing would please me more then to watch you slip and fall all over this accursed Ice. But sadly, Our current fates are intertwined, if something should happen to you, my head is as good as gone. Frankly Im quite attached to it, it rests so neatly on my neck. So sorry Highness, where you go, I go." He walked up beside me and held out his elbow for support.

I ignored it, pushing the door open with my free hand. "Fine be that way... But I don't want any arguments when you collapse and I have to carry you back to your chambers." He said shaking his head.

"You will do nothing of the sort!" I replied. The idea of being scooped up in the arms of him brought forth my gag reflex.

Silently and slowly I made it down the spiral staircase. Hands wordless beside me, yet watching over me like a falcon to a field mouse. Eventually I made it out of the castle, and into the frozen over garden. The hedges of the garden maze, like everything else in the kingdom, was frozen over.

"It is quite cold out here. But I guess we have your sister to thank for that." He Spoke, rubbing his shoulders.

His words of my sister cut into my heart like an icy blade. Eyes downcast I gulped quietly. I was still in morning and I missed her terribly.

His ever arrogant expression softened just slightly. "Oh Anna, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. So sorry, I didn't think."

"You never do." I spoke quietly turning my back to him. He placed his hand on my shoulder, causing me to flinch. "Actually Iv been doing a lot of thinking these past few months. The dungeon is a quiet place, perfect for thinking." He sighed.

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