Chapter 50

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"Come in." Elsa's sleep laden voice calls out from behind the cabin door. Steading myself against the rocking of the ship, I push it open to find both Elsa and Anna stretching and rubbing the tiredness from their eyes.

"Kristof!" Anna perks up instantly at the sight of me. "So it wasnt a dream." She sits up looking back and forth between Elsa and I. "Goodmorning Anna." I send her a warm smile, walking towards the foot of the bed. "Elsa." I nod politely to her sister. Anna throws all grace and sensability to the wind, scampering across the bed and hugging me. "Elsa get in this." She calls back to her sister after several seconds, and before I know it I'm being hugged by both royals of Arendale.

"I can't believe it." She muffled into my chest, pulling us both painfully tighter. "After so much darkness... everything is actually going to be ok again."


I stand with Anna and Elsa on the bow as the ship is docked into the port. We had spent the last hour of the journey filling in the blanks with eachother. Anna's hands wound tight into the thick brown fur of my beloved reindeer's neck, the mid morning sun giving everything an almost heavenly glow. "We are home."

The citizens of Arendale greetings us with a heroes welcome. Running to the docks in joy after the ship was spotted in the distance, happy people filled the shambled streets that led the way to the heart of the city. Though the buildings may have been damaged or destroyed, the spirit of the people had not.

The ramp hitting the wooden dock of home was the most beautiful noise I had ever heard. I made a vow right then and there to never set another foot off dry land ever again. Sven was practically shoving me down, nudging me rather impatiently with his soft nose.

At the bottom stood the Queens strange companion. The ice on his strange garments still not melting despite the glorious heat of the summer sun. An ever mischievous but happy smile adorned his pale face. At Jack's feet stood Olaf. I couldn't believe my eyes. Anna and I rushed to embrace our frozen little friend.

"Olaf!" She exclaims, tears falling from her face, hitting his snowy little shoulder. "I can't believe it... I really really can't believe this. Your alive!"

She catches sight of Jack, a look of sudden remembrance stuns her. She gulps "Is he..?" Jack Smiles, pulling Elsa into a quick hug. "He's fine." He responds, talking about the prince. "I don't think that arrow affected his demeanor though. Did he always have that ego?"

The first order of business would be to restore Arendale to its original rumor.
Cheers filled the streets, praise and cries of joy led the way to the cathadrel, people bowing to both Anna and Elsa.
Servants pushed open the giant wooden doors of the chapel. The place that all of Arendale's royalty had been crowned or married in. I, along with the strange ice wizard from the future, walked one step behind our queens. As we walked down the Isle of the brightly painted and beautiful church, I noticed just how gracefully Anna walked, side by side, shoulder to shoulder with her sister, with every step she seemed to float. Gone was the clumsy awkward teenage girl I had met inside that barn last year, in front of me was what could only be described as a regal and capable queen.

The vicar stood in his golden embroidered robes, two red pillows lay at the top steps of the alter. Though the war had damaged even his spirit, his faith looked restored as he smiled paternaly at the two young queens. The Villagers who had crowded into the cathedral all bent to their knees within the pews.

He crossed each of their forhead's with holy water, blessing them as they knelt onto red velvet pillows. The light shined down on them in the beautiful colors from the stained glass windows.

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