Chapter 3

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I woke up to someone tapping my hand. I look around and see my dad sitting there smiling at me. "Daddy!" I scream hugging him. "Morning baby girl" I smile, pulling back," I've missed you so much. " "Come on now. Get all freshened up. " He says before walking out of the room. I run over to the closet and see all new clothes. Woah. I smile grabbing a white v-neck, black jeans, a black beanie, and some black vans. Never can go wrong with vans. I run to the bathroom and take a shower, and blow dry my hair. I leave it curly, curling some little pieces. I put some contacts in, and put on some make-up. You see, here where is truly my home I'm not the nerd as I am in Washington. This is the real me. When I'm done I run downstairs almost tripping on the last step in the process. "mom!" I run over to her in the kitchen hugging her tightly. "Hello darling. I missed you so much. You have grown up into a beautiful young lady. " I smile," thanks momma" "now your here for a very special reason" she says holding me by my shoulders. I look at her confused. "What is that momma?" "It's your-" my dad walks in cutting her off ""it's your ceremony." I look at them shocked "my WHAT!?" I scream stepping back. I can't be queen yet. I just can't! I'm not even 16 yet! "Your going to become queen when you find your mate tomorrow. " "TOMORROW!?" Yes tomorrow is my birthday but, what if I don't find him. I just can't be queen. I won't be able to do it! "now honey. Everything will be okay. You will handle it when you meet your mate." No. It can't be. My eyes start to water and soon I'm crying running upstairs.



I get dressed in a big purple sweater, spandex shorts, and white socks on. I brushed my hair and put it in a high pony tail. "Ari!" I hear Jonah yelling, I run downstairs to the kitchen and the smell of pancakes fill my nose. "Jonah! I love you so much!" I say jumping, hugging him. He laughs and hands me a plate of pancakes. I put Nutella and Syrup on them. "Ya nasty" I hear Jonah mumble. I laugh and eat. When I'm done I put the dishes in the sink and go into the living room." aha! Take that!" I hear someone yell and then a growl. I stop dead in my tracks. In front of me was Bowen, Shane, and Ash. I slowly go backwards so they don't know I'm here. Running to find my mom. "Mom! " I yell when I find her. She was reading a book on her bed. "yes sweetie?" She puts her book down. "why are those boys there in the living room?" "Oh they are here to help out. To set up the party. " oh that's just great! (Note the sarcasm) "do you want to meet them I will call them over ?" My mom ask me "n-no that's not necessary" "oh don't stress dear! BOYS come here I would like you to meet my daughter!" Great thanks mom (sarcasm) "sure thing aunt white " Jonah said. I heard the foot steps "oh no! Um I have to go bye mom I will be up in my room!" "Wait! Can I talk to you" that was Bowen and I hear foot steps behind me " um no I suggest you stop following me now bye" I say not turning around and not looking at him in the eyes.I run and flip down on my bed, screaming into my pillow. Why. Why do they have to be here. Today!? "Sweetie in 3 hours the party will start" my mother says, mumbling something to boys,like"lets get the party started" I smile going to take a shower and blow drying my hair. I straightened my hair and put on a black lace dress that goes about to my knees. (Pic on top) Black pumps, black leggings, and a couple bracelets. I did my make-up and when I was finished it took 2 hours and 30 minutes. Damn, that took forever. "Honey!" I hear my dad yell. I jump up from my desk and go downstairs. I hear a wolf whistle and I turn around to see Alpha Tycan. "little Ari, long time no see" he says smiling. I hug him tightly. "oh Alpha T! I missed you so much!" "Mmm. Can't wait to see if you are my mate" he says smirking. Alpha Tycan is my parent's best-friends son. We go way back and plus he is 20. "Okay now back off my daughter" my dad says. Loud music starts playing and I can hear people talking and singing. "Uhh. " "It's the party. Come on. " He smiles. Guiding me to the largest room in out house. "ok at midnight you should find your mate and at 1:00 will be you ceremony if you find your mate tonight,but for now go and have fun sweet pea " my dad said "ok daddy thank you guys I love you so much". now we are waiting for the announcement for me to make an entrance "now everyone I would like you be quite, I would like to introduce princess white of all werewolves!" And with that I walk in and I got gasps and wolf whistles and people staring at me with adoration in their eyes. then I saw Bowen,shane,and ash they just look at me with lust filled in their eyes, ugh classic boys. You see they wouldn't be staring at me like that if they knew I was the Ariana white the nerd right now they know me as Ariana white princess of all werewolves. "now everyone here come the king and queen of all werewolves king and queen white!" They all bow their heads wow they really do have a lot of respect for us. " excuse me umm I would like to say something" my dad said and making everyone go quite," tonight all of you guys know my daughter will find her mate" and everyone started cheering" I would like to make it clear no matter what rank you are In you would have to leave you pack to help my daughter rule, you will be the king and she will be the queen and if you have a problem with that please tell her so she can reject you and find a man who is suitable enough for my little girl, and I promise you if any you guys hurt her I will personally rip yo-" I decided to cut him off right there because now they all look terrified "OK dad that is enough can we get on with the party please?!" "Yes everyone enjoy my daughter's sweet sixteen party please!"
And then just like that, the party continues. "Ariana! Let's talk!" I look over and see Bowen trying to get through the crowed. I run passed my dad running, trying to find alpha Tycan he will help me. "Tycan!" I shout trying to find him. I passed many people that say "happy birthday" and "congratulations" I say thank you back, running to the kitchen, there he is drinking a beer. "Tycan! Help!" I exclaim, hugging him, behind his back. "Woah there baby, what's wrong?"
"T-Tycan, B-Bowen " his body tenses "who's Bowen!?" He asks looking at me. "Him-" I was cut off by Bowen "princess" he bowed wow he was respectful sometimes then I heard a growl " what do you want?!" Tycan said " last time I checked i wasn't talking to you" Bowen growled back, oh no he did not just growl at tycan ! "Do not growl at him" I growled back, yea I know what your thinking why is she sticking up for tycan ,well tycan was always like a brother to me and I think I might like him? " Sorry princess " Bowen said " its alright now if you dont mind tycan and i need to go" with that me and tycan left to go join in the party.

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Ariana's house at the top

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