chapter 2

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Ariana"s pov:

when we got to the house I started packing I was really excited I havent seen my parents since school started or I meant talked to them. I haven't really seen them for at least five years." Ariana honey you don't need to pack a lot because you have most of your clohes there!" my aunt yelled " ok then this will be really easy!!" *ring*ring*ring* i looked at the caller i.d. and instantly picked it up.

*phone convo*

A: hi mom M: hi sweetie your dad and I can't wait to see you ! A: I know I am so excited even if it is only for winterbreak but hey I get to spend christmas with yall and my 16th birthday! M: I know honey hold on your dad wants to talk to you.....(shuffling) D: hey kiddo! A: hi daddy! ( I was always a daddy's girl) D: are you ready to turn sixteen and find your mate?! A: daaaadddd really I am not worried about findinga mate right now ! D: now sweetheart no complaining and you know you need to find a mate before we hand over the throne to you we just want to make ruling easier for you when you start ! A" yes dad i know bu i am not going to rule until i am eighteen....... anyways I need to go I need to fnish packig if I want to get on the plane on time bye guys I love you! M&D: we love you too! bye *END OF CONVO*

''Lets go Ariana!'' Aunt Gale yells from downstairs. I smile, grabbing my bag, running to the door. I grab a Nutella To Go beforerunning to the car. The ride was about 35 minutes but we made it just in time. ''I'll see you after break honey '' i smile and hug her before saying bye running into the airport. I go through the medal detectors and the intercom comes on,

Attention all passengers, flight 983 will now be leaving to North Coralina at gate 14, have a nice flight Washington.

"oh crap i need to go !" i ran unti i was at the gate "ticket please" the lady said to me i handed her my ticket and boarded "OK a10, a10 ahhhaa seat a10" i found my seat and i sat by the window there are three seats next to me then i hear them getting filled in but i don't bother to look who sat next to me i will find out later. I put on my hoodie and my ear buds in trying to block everything out. I look to my left and see...

''Bowen!?" There he was in all glory. Bowen Walker, the person I hated most. And just great.. Next to him was Shane, and Ash.

''Ariana!?'' They all in unison. ''What are you doing here? In first class!?" Ash asks getting on my nerves.

''Great, a whole ride with you guys,'' i roll my eyes, ''And I'm visiting family so if you will just shut up so I can sleep. Oh and by the way, I can be in first class if I want too'' I smirk putting my hood up trying to fall asleep better. I can hear Shane laughing but I ignore them evenauly i fall asleep.







''If you tap my one more time'' I warn






''OUCH!" I open my eyes and see Bowen sucking on his finger. ''Did you just bite me!?" He asks waving his finger around.

I smirk, ''Yeah'' They won't able to do anything to me because we are on an Airplane surrounded by people. ''Watch your back princess. ' he says laughing shortly after. ''What do I look like a princess to you!?" I ask nervously. ''No your just acting like a stuck-up bitch' I gasp, glaring at him.

''Please fasten your seatbelts we will be landing shortly''

''YAASSS!" I yelled, a little too loud. Everyone turned and looked at me, even a baby stopped crying. I laughed nervously, sinking back into my seat. ''Are you okay?" Ash says laughing. '' Yeah I'm just excited to see my parents after 5 years''. They all look at me like I am crazy. The plane starts to land and passengers start to get off, I'm the last one off. I grabbed my bag and started heading towards my cousin when something hit me making my vision go blurry. "what the" I turn around seeing Bowen laughing but he stopped and started looking..........mad?

Jonah's P.O.V.:

I was waiting patiently for Ariana to get off the plane and I see her walking towards me. I smile, jumping off my Jeep Wrangler running towards her. When 3 guys about my age attack her. She turns around looking at the leader before falling to the ground. ''How dare you get away from her!" I yell running even faster. Joke is on them I'm more powerful. The leader looks pissed off, and starts running. I punch him in the jaw, hearing a crack. He gets up and tries to punch me but I doge it laughing. I hit him in the side of his head, him, crying out in pain falling to the floor. His other buddies come and help him while I grab Ariana taking her to the car before anything else could happen. I roll down my window and yell,''If I ever see you again you won't be able to wake up''

Ok, I think it is time to explain, I am Jonah Wells. Ariana White's cousin. Her only cousin. Which gives me also some ups because her family is known as the royal family. I have found my mate when I was 16, I am 19 now, and I love her with all my life. Anyways, here I will bring the princess to her ceramony where she will be crowned queen. The thing is, she just thinks she is 'visiting'.

ooooohhhhhhh snap cliff hanger sorry not sorry!


comment and we will update soon!- M&B

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