Chapter 13

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"I just don't know what to wear!" Star says pacing back and forth holding two pairs of clothing in her hands. I him in response flipping the page of VOGUE magazine. All these girls are fake. Like how can a human being look that good! I mean us were wolves look incredibly hot but I don't even know how to photoshop like that! Like-"are you even listening!?" She shrieks, she has one hand on her hip look at me, "uhh. Duh! What friend would I be!?" I try to defend myself, she rolls her eyes and continues looking for a top. I grab my box on my nightstand and pull out a piece of mint gum, it's my candy stash. "Well, were is he even taking you?" She huffs and sits down. "Well," she drags out, "if you listened, he is taking me to the fair." "Aww!" I smile," you should go with something casual. Like...this! " I grab a white sweater, jeans, and black flats. "if you say so.." she says, she goes and changes and when she comes out it looks good on her. "I like it!" She checks her self out in the mirror when I get a text, it's from Bowen.

Can we hang out today?
I quickly respond,
Of course! I want to get to know you better!
He texts back as fast as I sent it,

Hmm...I need to get ready.


Since Bowen only was on the 2nd floor and I was on the 4th it took him a while. Yes our pack house is that big, being royal and all. All I did was straighten my hair and made sure it was okay for the pack. I was wearing my pajamas, spandex shorts and plain white V-neck. Star has already left, they were going to eat and then the fair. "Hey" he says, leaning on my door frame. "Hi!" I hug him and he hugs back. And I just realized how hot he is, he's wearing cargo pants and a black shirt. He smirks, "wanna come play a game with me?" I laugh, "what game?" We make our way down stairs, "umm...20 questions?" "Okay" we sit down on the couch facing each other where our knees are touching. I don't know what's getting into me but I'm kind of liking this position. "So.. Favorite color?" We both laugh, "blue" we both say at the same time, making me laugh more. "What do you see in a girl?" He grabs my hand, "well.. She has to be able cook," I smile, "I can." " and she must truly love me, like I will too her. And she has this beautiful brown hair, bright green eyes, this perfect figure, and this personality where she jokes sometimes and normally serious. And her smile makes me all bubble up inside and her lips-oh her lips! I just wanna kiss them all day and night!-" He was talking about me. Me.' Do it. Just kiss him!' I leaned over and smashed my lips on his, cutting him off of his rant about me. He doesn't kiss back for a second before he does. Sparks were flying through my body, and when he put his hands on my lower back, lighting was jolting through me. I have never felt anything like this. We were cut off by a vibration on my leg, my phone, I blush answering. I clear my throat, "hello?" "Sweetie!," it's my mom, "can you please make a cake for tonight? It's me and your fathers time tonight and I don't wanna order a cake. Just put 'Happy Mothers Day!' On it. Thanks!" Then She hangs up. Well then. My mother never wants me to do anything for Mother's Day and she just wants her 'husband' time. "We have to make a cake, Red velvet. " I say turning to Bowen. A big smile spreads across his face.
"The cake is done!"
"Ugh finally that was hard work" he wipes off the nonexistest sweat
"Bowen you didn't even do anything but sit down and watch me like a stalker" he frowns but then he starts smirking he slowly comes up to me than whispers in my ear "yea well I noticed while I was "stalking" that you have a nice butt" oh I am lost for words and he is just standing there looking at me. just as he was about to leave I decided to speak up " Bowen don't be jealous because I Have a butt and you don't I mean that is why you were looking at mine because you wished you had one" now he is the one lost for words " oh ariana you better run because I am coming for you!" I take that as my cue to leave . I run outside and shift into a black wolf and run for the woods, I don't run really fast or else Bowen would most likely figure it out. I look behind me and see grayish siver wolf running behind me so I decided to speed up . I run behind a bush and cover up my sent so he won't find me
*hehe he would have to work hard to find us* 'yea but if it takes long let's make a run for it' * yea so he can chase us!* well she sounds excited for this *hey i am excited I want our mate to chase after us* ' you're starting to like me now since I am giving Bowen a chance don't you?' * yea I never hated you I was just mad at you for not liking Bowen and giving him a chance* ' I know but it will take awhile for me to fall in love with him ' * I know I know*
We hear him howl signaling he gives up . I smirk knowing it time to run . I start running and I hear him behind me, ' Ariana where are you?' 'Bowen stop playing dumb you are right behind me' 'Ariana I am not behind you' what? I look behind me and I see a big tan wolf behind me ! I stop right in my place turn around a growl at him. he growls back telling me his is not backing down. he has so much power radiating off of him. 'stand down ' i mind link him. he looks surprised I can mindlink him since normal wolves can only mindlink their pack and royals can only mindlink Wolves that are in packs, but since I am the golden wolf I can mindlink with any wolf rogues, wild wolves, any. 'how did you do that and don't talk to me like that!' He growls louder not liking my disrespect to him
*he should be respecting us not us respecting him!* Elena says to me growling. ' I don't care who you are ! You don't disrespect ME!' 'Young lady I am the Alpha of all rogues you don't want to mess with me' 'oh but you don't know me because I will mess with you' after that I pounced on him using my claws to grip on his back. I bite into his neck , he growls and flings me off of him and I slam against a tree I whimper but than I get angry really angry and he looks at me scared 'y-your eyes t-there red!' ' I am going to tear you apart!' I barred my teeth and growled he looks scared and shock but then he noticed what I said and alpha males don't like to be challenged and especially said they are going to get killed by a shewolf . he gets angry he barres his teeth and growls but not as loudly as mine , we circle each other waiting for one of us to make the move *haha we can do this all day!* ' I know but he doesn't know that ' *he is going to get so impatient that he is going to make the move* and she was right he growled frustrated and tried to pounce on me but failed because I moved and jumped behind him and bit his leg. He whimpered then growled at me and ran *who the hell does he think he is!* 'he thinks he's the alpha of rouges'I ran after him but than he stops he sniffs around so I cover up my sent , he still doesn't know I am here so I take the advantage and go for the kill bite. I jumped on him and bite so hard in his me neck that it snap. i was pleased so I howled and then I heard a snap I go back in to alert mode and growl at the intruder. the wolf come out and I noticed it was Bowen. I go behind a tree and shift and puts some clothes The pack members put around just in case I come back behind the tree and see Bowen already in human form but just shorts on * ooo look at those abs just imagine what we will do when we get are hands on * 'ok I am going to shut you out now bye' ''Bowen did you know who that was?" He looks away staring at something in the distance,''Yeah. That was the Rouge Beta, rumors have been saying that him and his alpha have been working with the vampires. Before they were after your mom, but since your they new Royal, they are after you. And one way to get you is the people you love. He must have been coming for one of us to get to you. We need to-'' His sentence was cut off when a loud howl was heard further in the forest, ''Go inside now.'' he comands, ''not without you!" He laughs and kisses my cheek, ''I'm coming now hurry.'' We shift back and run into the house. My dad standing at the screen door smilig at us. ''You guys are so cute.'' ''Sir we need to send some border wolves out to the northern border, the beta of the rouge pack came to kill Ariana, but we killed him and heard other wolves around the territory.'' " Yea he said he was the alpha well guess what alpha my ass!" My dad shakes his head,''thank you son, go inside and stay in your room.'' My dad looks out at the forest, telling he is mindlinking the others. Bowen takes my hand and we go up stairs to our room, 7:00 P.M. "Hey Bowen I think I'm going to go to bed.'' He turns to me shocked, ''But you haven't eaten-'' ''I lost my appitate from all that blood.'' He smiles, 'Okay darling,'' ''Oh and Bowen?" He hums in response,''I'm just not really ready to sleep with you yet. '' He starts going to the door. ''ofcourse! Goodnight.'' He says shutting the door.


''We need her blood! The Red Moon is in 8 months!" A vampire in his late thirties, yelled. There is 4 other vampires sitting around a square shaped table, an alpha werewolf, and the one I killed, the beta. Guessing the alpha must be the alpha of the Rouges.''We know! You have been saying that!" Another vampire said rolling his eyes. ''If we don't get her the whole Vampire race will fall!" ''Well send some people for her!" The alpha werewolf said jumping up. "What do you think we did! We even kidnapped that Tycan alpha! He wasn't any use for us! She never came!" "I'll go" His small voice said, ''Go! NOW!" The alpha said using his alpha command. ''If that doesn't work lets just take the most important thing to her, her mate, Bowen.

I woke up gasping for air, a thin layer of sweat covering my body. ''Tycan!-Blood Moon!-*gasp*Bowen!"I jump up running down the stairs running as fast as I can to Bowen's room. ''Bowen!" I yell when I see him sleeping on his bed, well not anymore. He sprung up rubbing his eyes. ''Huh?" i run and jump on him -straddling him-hugging him for life. He grunts and falls back when I make contact with him. ''What's wrong!?" He asks fully awake. ''Your alive! You have to be careful Bowen! They are after you now!...and'' tears start pouring out ''...and its all because of me'' ''Oh Ariana! It's okay!" He says hugging me tighter. I wipe my eyes and stop crying,''Umm...yeah it will be okay because we are going to be together every second of the day! And night!" he laughs and turns us so we are in a cuddling position, ''Ofcourse. now whos after me?" ''I have these dreams sometimes, ever since I was 16, and it brings up memories or whats going to happen, its a new feature to being the golden wolf. And The vampires! And the rouges! They need my blood! And apearently alot of it from the look on that Beta. They need my blood for the Blood Moon!" He continously shakes his head, ''This is so early.'' she mumbles to him self. ''What?" He looks at me saddness in his eyes,'' lets go to bed and I'll tell you in the morning.'' ''it is morning.' I state the obivous, its 5:00. ''Shut up'' he says kissing me, those sparks go through my body all over again.before I go to sleep the last thing I heard was " wait you're the golden wolf?!" Then I fell asleep in his arms.

Thanks guys for reading! Love all of you! Please...


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