Chapter 10

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"How long till she wakes up!?"

"Shh! Be quiet you will wake her up!"

"I don't care! "I feel my body smack into something hard and someone yell. I open my eyes and see I was on a concrete floor, in a dark room, with two guys. And one of them was someone I never wanted to see.


"You!" I screech jumping up and about to attack him. "Woah woah woah. Feisty. I like it" I hear the other guy say, Bowen growls at him. The other guy is an old man that has a very high pitch voice. I start laughing and they both look at me. "Your voice is like Elmo!" Bowen started laughing while Elmo over here looks like he is about to kill me " you bitch you wanna fight I beat I can kick your skinny ass!" I chuckled lightly "oh buddy you don't want to mess with me you will be down in a sec-" I got cut off because this bitch just kicked my in the side! "Do you wanna keep talking?" I just shook my head no because I don't want to get kicked anymore plus I am trying to figure out why Bowen was here "Bowen why are you here? why aren't you helping me ?" He just chuckled " bitch I don't like you I want for you to feel pain plus I get money for doing this !" He smiled "YOU ARE JUST DOING THIS FOR MONEY!!!" He just pissed me off then I get kicked in the side "yup and don't talk to me that way, and how about we give you more pain huh" I just look at him confused " I Bowen Walker reject you Ariana Hazel White" oh on for some reason I feel like crying and my heart feels like it has been stabbed a million times then I feel this burning feeling in my stomach and it hurts like hell. I start to scream it in pain while clutching my stomach. I look over at Elmo and Bowen to see they are in the floor laughing . "b-Bowen I- I swear o-on my life i w-will make you regret that! " I barley choked out while screaming in pain. then the beatings began but I had to admit when Bowen hit me or kicked me it hurt me even more than my wolf I don't know why but my body couldn't take it any more then I just blacked out again while still getting beat.

Yes, it's short buuuuut the next one will be long! So look out for that!





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