I stormed over to the crowds and pushed through until I spotted Anisa as she hung her head in despair as their words became louder and louder. All the cheerleaders crowded the area as everyone snickered and laughed at her.

I shoved through the last person as Alex came into view, leaning on the wall next to Anisa.

"Come on. Prove your not bald. Take it off." Everyone instantly shared chanting 'Take. It. Off' as the crowd grew bigger and bigger.

I pushed into the middle as all noise seized. All eyes were on me as I stood up and glared at Alex, who looked startled for a second. He smirked and eyed me up and down.

I wasn't an intimidating guy, but nothing gets in my way when I was angered. How dare they say that to her?

Alex stood up and crossed his arms as everyone watched for his reaction to everything. Alex wasn't a scary guy either. He was tall with broad shoulders and muscles that any guy would have. The only part of him that most found intimidating would be his piercing blue eyes. Eyes that would look into your soul. Eyes of a hawk looking for prey.

I stood up and matched his glare as he took a step towards me.

"Who are you?" I narrowed my eyes at him disgustingly and glared at him.

"That's none of your business. What do you think your doing to her?" He looked surprised that I didn't cower away and smiled.

"What is she to you? Your girlfriend? Tell us since your her night and shinning armor. Is she bald?" He smiled as everyone hooted for him. I frowned and shook my head sadly.

"She's like a sister to me you idiot. She's a muslim, and you of all people should know why she wears that. Get a life and stop bullying girls for a change. It would actually make you more of a man." His face turned stone cold as he dropped his hands at his sides and stood an inch in front of me. His breath fanned my face as I stopped my self from throwing up.

"What did you say to me?" I opened my mouth to respond but stopped as everyone scattered around and ran when Mr. Flemings stalked towards us.

"Mr. Sanders. Mr. Ahmed. My office. Now." His face hardened as I sighed and walked to the office. As I turned around, I heard a faint voice behind me silently curse him and in that second I knew that Anisa made du'a against him. I looked down and walked, knowing that the dua of the oppressed is never ignored.


We walked into the office and sat down. Mr. Flemings gave me a expressionless look and turned to Alex with a frown.

"Does anyone want to tell me what happened?"

Alex sat up and rested his hands on the table and addressed him. "Sir I swear I was doing was engaging in a conversation with the new girl when he butted in. I was welcoming her." I shook my head in disbelief as Mr. Flemings gave him a glare.

"Since when is humiliating someone in front of the entire student body, welcoming them?" I remained quiet and watched as Alex sat back down in his chair with a sigh.

"Mr. Sanders you know better than to criticize someone on what they wear. I specifically remember telling you this before, you don't rule the school Alex. There are certain rules and regulations that you must follow, and bullying is one of them. Bullying is strictly forbidden in this school, do you understand?" Alex hung his head between his hands and nodded slowly.

Mr. Flemings sat up in his chair and turned to me.

"Mr. Ahmed." I sat up and rested my hands on the chair and nodded my head.

"Mr. Flemings." He sighed and nodded his head at Alex.

"You are dismissed and if I ever hear that you resulted in any type of bullying in my school again, I promise you Alex, I will expel you." Alex gulped and nodded his head and made a new line for the door.

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