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"What were you feeling in that moment?"



Jungkook sat across his friend that was situated on the bed, watching the petite boy as he stuffed his button nose in yet another school book. Jungkook had offered to be the elders tutor ever since he failed his last english assignment, and they always went well until this exact one.

"Hyung, what's on your mind?" He asked curiously, his right hand lifting to gently lower the copy of Macbeth that was held in the elders pale hands.

Yoongi in return pouted, plump lips moist due to his habit of licking and biting them when he was nervous or thinking deeply about something. "I don't know, just... concerned about her, I guess," he replied, now lifting his hand to pick at skin.

This was expected for Jungkook, honestly, word around school spreading quickly about her being in the hospital. It angered the younger, the fact that Yoongi was still thinking about her weeks later but he had to understand. He couldn't brush off what happened to Irene and had to act sad about it too. But he just can't.

"I heard she used to smoke three packets everyday," He blurted, causing Yoongis eyes to go wide as he stared at him. He had to facepalm himself, can't he at least act? "Sorry I-"

"Nono, it's fine... I guess it's her own fault then..?" Yoongi felt bad for saying it, feeling quite ignorant and insensitive himself for saying such a thing. "But still.. Nobody deserves to go through anything like that," he nods afterwards, the younger mirroring his movements.

"You're right, it must be horrible." Jungkook spoke in his monotone voice, although he at least tried to sound a little bit sympathetic by adding a cute pout at the end of his sentence.

The elder, despite his cryptic thoughts, smiled at the cute expressions the brunette pulled, raising one of his pale hands to ruffle his hair. "You're so cute~" he teased, earning an adorable whine.

"Of course I am!" He huffed, scrunching his nose as if to say 'isn't it obvious?'

Yoongi sighed happily, looking back down at his book as he turned a page over. "Yeah, you are."


"We are sad to say that Bae Joo-Hyun, our lovely Irene, is no longer with us. We send condolences to..."

The rest of the announcement was a blur of pointless noise, working its way through one ear and out the other. Yoongis brain didn't even bother to process it in this state of shock, all the gears in his mind already grinding together to process the fact that Irene, the girl he had gone on a date with only a month prior, was dead.

Sure, he didn't know her much and all he got to see of her was an ignorant, salty side that had seemed to be targeted at his best friend, but that still didn't deny the fact that her death was unfair and would cause much heartbreak to her friends and family.

Now that explains why a lot of her friends didn't show up today, and the ones who did seemed to be keeping to themselves, the emotions hidden behind glassed over eyes. As expected, the mood shifted in the room they sat in, only Jungkook being the one who seemed unfazed but his suspicion was stopped as soon as he saw his eyes tear up. Jungkook wasn't one for showing his emotions much, so of course he'd be trying to stop himself crying.


Jungkook wasn't sad, he was crying because he was happy. Happy she was over and done with, although guilt did settle in the bottom of his stomach for a few seconds, it was washed over with the relief that Yoongi was his. All his. Now there really is nobody in the way, well, that is until someone else decides to crush on him.

Either way, Jungkook would always be lurking, stalking whoever was next to try and swoop in to steal his Hyung. He would find out who they were.

He would make sure they were never near Yoongi again, or anyone for that matter.

Their punishment for crushing after his Hyung, in his eyes, was hell.


a short lil chapter to distract you lil readers from the real world, which doesn't seem to be that good for many.

I hope you're all using this time well in finding new interests and hobbies.

I've been getting back into anime as Netflix added Haikyu!! and I started watching it (it is THE gayest anime and I love it). I used to watch anime a lot but stopped as soon as a certain thing happened in Death Note (L was my favourite hh) (sorry- did I spoil-?) (I didn't say what happened tho :D)

Anyhoo, please leave a comment, vote and maybe even a follow? Thank you :3


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