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"Jungkook, report to the principals office now, please."

"I swear sir, I saw him do it! It was terrible to watch, e-even to think about it now, it's-"

"That's enough, Chloe." The principals deep voice sounded throughout the room in quite a stressed manner, the small silence following bringing a subtle smirk up onto Jungkooks face.

The purple haired girl, Chloe, stared on with her mouth ajar, completely and utterly shocked and infuriated by the two men in front of her. How could they be so dismissive of a matter like this?

"Sir, I don't think you understand... I'm telling you, right now, that this student in front of you, was the one who left the dead birds strung up outside the school, and you're telling me 'enough'?!" She seethed through her teeth, each word dripping with venom as her nails dug into the leather of the chair she was currently seated on.

The principal, in return, let out a sigh and shook his head in disappointment. "As far as I'm concerned, Chloe, Jungkook here has not had a single record in this school of him misbehaving, whereas you're notorious for these kinds of things. Who am I expected to believe at this point?"

Jungkook only stared on, a sickly sweet look in his usually dull eyes as he watched the scene unfold with utter fascination.


"Did you hear about the student who got kicked out?"

"I heard it was Chloe, that emo kid,"

"Apparently she tried accusing Jungkook of stringing up them birds, who was she trying to fool?"

The brunette didn't bother to recognise anything his peers were gossiping about, already knowing fine well about all the 'deets' seen as he saw it first hand.

'Chloe Robinson, banned permanently from school for framing sweet and innocent Jeon Jungkook.'

Oh how that sentence brought tears to his eyes.

You see, Jungkook had everyone wrapped around his finger. Everyone.

Even teachers were tripping on their shoelaces to make sure all needs of the student were attended to. Why was this the case, you ask?

Well, Jungkook is seen as a model student in the school.

Always on time. Always does his homework perfectly. Aces every test. Kind and helpful to peers. Participates in charity work. Undeniably cute. Undeniably hot.

Yep, Jungkook really was living the life of a celebrity at only the age of 16.

The only thing he didn't have was a stable relationship, as in, a kissy kissy relationship, which surprised most admirers he encountered.

"But you're so gorgeous!"

"Who wouldn't love a hunk like you?"

"I could date you, if you wanted?"

All the girls said as they twirled their matted hair between their fingers, batting their clumpy eyelashes as an everlasting stench of perfume blocked the airways in your nose. Jungkook has a hunch that all of them shared the same bottle of fragrance, as all of them seemed to smell a lot like a baby prostitute.

It was always worth listening to their bull crap, though, because in the end he could just turn around and announce the 'shocking truth' that he's gay as hell.

It'd always break the girls heart, but they'd never dare keep bad blood with him when he flashes his signature bunny smile at the end of the sentence. That smile could make him get away with murder.



"Jungkook, you listening to me, dude?"

That is the fourth time in five minutes Jungkook has spaced out on Yoongis plump, peach lips as he spoke to him, and counting.

"Sorry, hyung, you wouldn't mind repeating that, right..?" The brunette murmured in a soft, shy tone, a genuine blush creeping onto his cheeks very obviously as his eyes turned to sparkling crescents once he smiled cheekily.

The elder could only chuckle, his heart melting once again at his cute dongsaeng that just couldn't seem to stop his innocent daydreams. His childlike behaviour always intrigued him in a way he couldn't explain except from they were really close friends. I mean, that's the only conclusion because Yoongis 'straight'.

"Ah, it doesn't matter. I was just talking about this girl that's apparently crushing on me. I mean, I wanna be in a relationship but with someone I know, thanks? Not with some randomer that claims to like me, you know what I mean?" Yoongi turned his head back to meet the face of a ticked off bunny, practically being able to see his invisible bunny ears twitch with irritation every now and again.

"Yeah, I know exactly what you mean." The youngster huffed out, smoke coming out of his ears as he began to look less and less like a bunny by the second. He seemingly started to resemble a dragon whose treasure has been stolen, now.

"Woah, what relationship did you not recover from?" Yoongi tried to lighten the mood with a joke, which seemed to work in his eyes as Jungkook began to laugh with him, covering his mouth as he did so.

But on the inside, the boy was angry.

Really angry.


Ahhhh, I'm so excited for this!! Please tell me if there are any mistakes and I'll fix them, I didn't really proof read this very well. Ya know, art is a busy GCSE to choose nowadays.

Anyhoo, thank you for reading, please vote, comment and follow for more content and to also let me know if you want more from a fanfic.

Bye~ 🌷

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