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Jungkook may or may not have decided he would stalk the person who had a somewhat 'crush' on his friend. He just couldn't help the hatred in his mind and heart for the girl that spread throughout him like wildfire, seemingly burning away every ounce of his conscious mind that told him to calm down. He felt an urge to hurt her.

The same urge he felt with them birds outside of school.

Luckily enough, he was still sane enough to tell himself otherwise. 'No, that's taking it too far' he'd say whilst he wrote in his diary how he planned to kill the girl in the most gruesome way possible.

He imagined her on her knees, begging to be spared as she thrashed around in his violent grasp. This act would break the skin on her wrists, the dirty ropes he would have tied to her earlier leaving sore burns and infecting the open wounds with soil.

He imagined lifting his right hand, knife in his hold before bringing it down to her head with full force. He imagined her eyes widen, looking up at her forehead to see the knife barely protruding before her irises rolled fully back, eyes forever open and showcasing the bloodshot white sclera.

He imagined himself carrying on pressing the weapon into her skull, spurts of blood landing on his face as he dragged it down, cutting her head open into a perfect half.

Oh, what a sight that would be-

"Jungkook! You there?!"

The boy visibly flinched, turning to face his boss that stood right behind him, a poker-face with eyes that proved stern and severe and a stance that was aloof. Fucking bitch.

"Yes, sir." Jungkook seethed in a passive aggressive way, although his boss didn't fail to pick up on it, flinty eyes lighting aflame.

"You watch that tongue, boy. Get back to work before you cause a queue around the block." He hissed through clamped teeth, turning on his heels to storm off and bug another unfortunate employee.

The brunette rolled his eyes and turned to the cashier he stood at, wondering if and when this day could get any worse. And, as if on queue, he saw his best friend and crush walk into the coffee shop.

With her.

Yoongis smile etched on his face in such an angelic way when he saw it was still Jungkooks shift, but the younger, however, took no notice of the elder. All he was really able to do was glare the violent daggers he so badly wants to hurt her with at the girl. Being very obvious about his hatred too.

"Hey Kook, I uh, decided to come here for that date I was on about," Yoongi finally broke the awkward tension that had only been going on for a few seconds yet felt like years for himself. Jungkooks attention suddenly snapped towards the elder, jaw slightly slack in confusion.

I don't remember him telling me about this? Did I blank out again? Ah, probably, I always daydream when I'm with him.

Jungkook only nodded, a forced yet fool-proof grin adorning his face. "Ah, yeah, good choice!"

Goddamn, was he awkward.

"What would you two lovebirds like to order?" God was Jungkook losing his mind referring to the couple as that. He didn't even fail to pull a disgusted face after and take another glance at the girl.

Yoongi didn't seem to notice, yet again, however, the girl noticed. She even started getting the hint that Jungkook had a crush on her date, and she didn't like it.

"Two caramel lattes and I'll have the usual meal, what about you, babe?"

Ew, already? Come ON Yoongi!

The said ravenette turned to the girl beside him, Irene was her name, I believe, asking for what she wanted to eat.

"I'll have the chicken soup, except hold the chicken and no croutons. Also- the side is salad? Make sure there's no salad dressing, no tomatos, cucumber or onions."

"So just water and lettuce, then?" Jungkook raised a brow at the girl that was so obviously so far up her own ass that she can't hear how stupid she sounds. Yoongi couldn't help but snigger at the youngers comment, though, finding himself mentally agreeing with his statement.

Irene just stared between the two, her stare landing on Jungkook. A silent threat that she would kill him.

Oh, sweetie, you don't even know what's coming.


hai guysss! sorry this took so long, but I feel like I will update more during lockdown over here.

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