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Isirona had never been so nervous before, but she hid it well. She distracted herself by glancing around at her pocket dimension which had been all but consumed by endless flowers courtesy of Dale and Ciera. Even the trees off in the distance were covered in the thousands of different kinds of flowers.

A large area had been spared the treatment and instead looked like a very low field where all the chairs and benches had been set up. There were not a lot of people, but there were enough to make Isirona wish she could leave.

She spotted Chysolite, Kai, Nebit, Akeno and a lattamer she only slightly recognized. Sylvia and Evania were there with Octavia seated beside her daughter and Janet on the woman's other side. Desdemona was seated with two other people she didn't recognize but she could see her sending looks towards Kendra in the row in front of her. There were a few other people in the small crowd, but more important was Vanessa and Marcus seated right at the front smiling up at her brightly, like even they couldn't believe this was happening. Orenda and Samarra were actually present with the two of them seated right behind Isirona's soon to be family. Even Viyan was seated in the crowd smiling lightly up at her.

Vanessa motioned to her own face and grinned before pointing back to Isirona. The succubus managed to smile quickly before turning to Dale who stood behind her and under the arch of flowers. A particularly large pink flower was blooming just over her head like a stage light, though she did not seem to notice it.

"You're doing fine." Dale smiled, stepping forward to correct the collar of Isirona's purple tux. "It will be over soon, then we can enjoy ourselves much more."

"I just want to see her. Who thought me standing here was a good idea?" Isirona grumbled.

"You did." Dale laughed. "You said Zali wouldn't last five minutes before retreating into the field to hide"

Isirona knew she was right. Zali would never stand up here as exposed as she was. She would feel so embarrassed with all eyes on her.

The succubus took a deep breath and nodded. "You're right. I can do this. I've stared down far worse than a few kind smiles."

"Exactly. This is probably the biggest most important moment of your life Izzy." Dale smiled. "But it's also the happiest. You're getting married!"

Isirona couldn't help but smile at the thought. She had a point. This was going to be-

The succubus flinched when the piano picked up and turned her head to look at Nyx who had started playing. She winked at Isirona before turning her focus to the notes she was playing. Before hand she had confessed to never playing the song before but Isirona now thought that to be a lie.

Her head snapped up to the middle row between all the chairs as Zali and her mother stepped through the portal, stepping into the pocket dimension. Zali was not wearing a large fluffy dress, and instead was wearing something more akin to her own style with dress pants, a blouse and a vest. Though both her pants and vest were the same shade of dark purple as Isirona's and Dale had to grab the back of the succubi's shirt to prevent her from rushing towards the mage and wrapping her arms around her.

Dale chuckled softly as Isirona just stared blankly at her entire world as she made her way down the middle row, holding her mother's arm like a lifeline. Her head was tilted slightly down like she did not want to be there, but she wore one of the biggest grins Isirona had ever seen on her face.

As Bianca moved to sit beside her family, Zali moved and stood beside Isirona who's skin was already flickering between normal and gray. The succubus was desperately trying not to reach forward and wrap her arms around the mage, and it was obvious. A few chuckles broke out in the crowd, but otherwise it was silent.

Zali sighed deeply and narrowed her eyes at Isirona who flinched a bit before the mage spoke. "Just let go." She whispered. "I don't care what you look like. I'm marrying you today no matter what."

Isirona's smile couldn't get any brighter, and her form didn't last another second before she was standing in her true form. Her clothing stayed, though her pants shrank a bit to compensate for the extra joint in her legs. Her wings folded behind her and hooked around her shoulders like a cloak. She leaned forward pressing her forehead against Zali's, careful not to hit her with the horns now growing out of her head.

Zali chuckled, touching the woman's cheek before gently pushing her chest away. "Almost. Just a little longer." She whispered to her.

Isirona took a very small step backwards, her hands wrapping around Zali's. If she was going to be forced to wait she was going to get by with whatever she could get and no one was going to stop her. If she couldn't kiss her because of the human ritual, then she was going to hold her and blame it on her nature.

"Ready?" Dale whispered to the two of them. Both of them gave quick and eager nods. Dale held out her arms with a bright smile, some of the other flowers around them opened up in full bloom.

"We are gathered here today, to celebrate the relationship between Lady Isirona, and Zali Levine, and the eternal bond they share-"

Did you even know my last name? I don't remember ever telling it to you? Zali whispered in their shared mind.

I didn't fall in love with a name. Isirona's answer was quick and effortless as always.

"- Their relationship has been a testament to time, compassion, and simple kindness. They have showed everyone they come across what it looks like to find the other half of your soul.-"

Was it your idea to have her write the script? Isn't she devoted to you?

Are you just going to talk through the wonderful script our dear friend wrote for our big day? How dare you.

"-So without further ado-"


"Do you, Isirona, take Zali to have and to hold forever more?"

"Forever- I do." Isirona nodded, her cheeks a little pink at her mistake.

"And do you, Zali, take Isirona to have and to hold forever more?"

"Always and Forever." Zali smiled lightly, getting Isirona to grin wider than she thought possible.

"Then I now pronounce you eternally one. Do your thing."

Isirona practically grabbed Zali's arms and pulled her into a kiss. Zali couldn't stop herself from smiling as she stood on her toes to reach and wrapped her arms around Isirona's neck. Everyone around them stood up and cheered, but the two of them barely noticed them, instead focusing on themselves.

When they finally did separate they turned to their friends and family and bowed a bit, Isirona smiling down at their intertwined hands and the magic tattoo on their fingers that now glowed lightly like even more magic had been poured into them.

Zali reached up, grabbing Isirona by the horn to pull the woman's head down so she could hear her over the clapping. "I love you."

Isirona smiled lightly, her grip tightening on the young mage's hand. "I love you too. Forever and Always."

"Always and Forever."


@ianyhs did give me the idea. So thank you.

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