I pull over as I got to him, I blow the horn urging him to come in, he looked at me with pain in his eyes before getting in.
"Hope that insecure and self-centered bitch isn't here?". He asked as he entered, knowing fully well she isn't.

" Watch it". I fired back.
"Do you want to talk?". I asked him feeling nervous, I touched his hand to calm him as I use my other to control the steering.

" Do you need to ask that, right now?". He said laughing as he fought back tears, I feel for him, "oh boy, what do you do when a guy is about to break down in front of you? ".  I asked myself.

" Ira, I've loved only her for five years, after I ran away from China, I moved down to where my dad can't track me, my dad killed my mom while  beating her up, he did that everyday but that particular day it was different, mom fought back trying to save me but dad was pissed off and he killed her
      I manage to live with him but I couldn't bear it when I found out about his source of making money, I'm sorry dear, but I can't tell you everything.

You know the first day I saw Win in the shopping mall, I fell in love with her, I didn't even know she's Walter's sister or even older than me, she looked really young then, and even now, I took a picture of her secretly, before Cole came to pick me. Then I knew a little about Cole, I met him on the internet and we connected, he took me in and sheltered me after I ran from Dad".
I held on to his hand and gave it a squeeze, as I drive really slow.

"Ira, she didn't see me differently even though we all had different events in the Michaelson's where I live with Cole, Ryder and their parents . She's cruel Ira, very self-centered, I can't believe I fell for her".
I can feel the rage in his tone, he is really hurting inside. All the members of the group have a thing they are running from.

" just cry it out". I told him, he relaxed his head on the sit.

"Can you drive a little faster, or I'll just get down and walk instead, if you are so scared of dying then you shouldn't be in this world, you know what,  just pull over at the next stop, you are so slow baby girl".

" why is that? ". I asked him. " Obviously, I want to drive, is it too much to ask". I pulled out in the next stop and he hurriedly came to my side, I didn't even get down, "Do you want me to pull you out". He asked rudely.

" whatever, am coming down ". As I turn to move to the passenger seat, he pulled me and hugged me.
" I'm so sorry Ira for being a jerk  to you because of my own problem, just today, let me pass and I'll be fine forever ". He said as he let me go and entered the car which I did to.

I've never been in the car, where Chan gets to drive, I pray he doesn't suck like Win.

Less than forty five minutes we are at faccio pork store, Cole wants us to meet him.

" Are you sure you don't want me inside before your date arrive".

"No Chan, I'm all good".  "Ira, thanks for listening  to my awful story earlier.
And honestly, you look great tonight".
" thanks Chan". I said as I  walk inside the restaurant.

This place is so warm, the heater must be on, outside is as cold as a fridge.

"You must be Miss Sanderson". An elderly man from behind me spoke up.
" yes please ". I said turning around to see the man behind me, I read his name tag.

" your sit is over there, your date Mr. Cole Michaelson, is going to be here, though he might come late". Ray said as he led me to my sit and gestured for me to sit.

"Anything, I can offer you, before Mr. Cole gets here". He asked really polite.
" No Ray I'm all good". He walked back to his duty post and I  am left alone.
I connected my Bluetooth with my ear bud and listened to cool music.

Five minutes have passed and yet no sign of Cole, I wonder what's taking him so long.
Just then the door opened, I wanted to rejoice because I was thinking it's Cole but no, its the opposite of him. it's Walter Gage, he entered with he's favourite buddies, they walked inside after getting a pass from Ray.

His friend whispered something to his ear and he turned in my direction, he's approaching me now, what to do, Gosh I didn't plan for this like its happening, Cole you are needed, I'm f*cked.

As he approach me I tried to look just normal. "Hey, Ira,  he said bending down to peck me, jeez what's with this guy and pecking my face, is that a new style of greeting.

I pulled away from him, making him not to get my cheek and he almost loss balance if not for the arm chair he held on to.

I chuckle lightly looking away from him so he won't see me laughing at him.

" sorry". I hurriedly said, helping him up to stand erect.

"Are you waiting for someone?" He ask
    " sure, my date is yet to arrive ".
" Cole?". He asked disgusted at his thought.

"Is it that obvious". I said blushing as I arranged my hair properly. "
are you two an item now?". He asked with worried eyes, just the way I love it, I enjoy making him worried and I'm going to make him more worried.

"Why do you ask, do you care, come on don't give me that look, I've seen it a million times". I said feeling like a boss.

" you of all people know I care a lot, that day I was being a jerk, and I regret it a lot, its you or no one else". He said feeling remorseful. Rule Number 5 says I shouldn't let his new attitude get to me, try to play cool, he's changing but I'll see it to the end.
    I recalled it from the booklet and my next choice of words struck him. "You should leave here, before Cole comes around, he won't like to see you close to me, unlike some people, he's very insecure and so caring". it was nice talking to you. I said looking anywhere else but at him, I do that a lot now a days, because I tend to be nervous most times.

I recall the incident that happened the other night, and I let anger fill me.
" I just need you to answer me, are you two a couple now?". He asked again like he's not going to sleep if he doesn't know.

"If that's what will make you leave my presence, fine, we are together, what do you think, I'll crawl up on my bed and wait until you decide to be with me, boy I moved on and you should do same". I said very angry.

Just then my date entered, I know I messed up, I went against the rule, rule number 10 was never tell him you and the love doctor are together, keep it plain and make him go crazy about it on he's own.

Letting him believe you're an item will make him want to move on, because no guy will want to seem weak before a girl.

Hola lovelies, how did the chapter go, wellllll i'm going to try to update as many chapters as I can, everyday.
    Am optimistic that you enjoyed this piece.

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Thanks a lot.
I love y'allllllllllll.

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