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This story was pretty fun to make! 

I wanted to answer anything I still didn't make clear to you guys!

Q-Who broke into winters home?
A-Kevin did. He wanted to find any hidden information he could about the strange boy next door that was always alone. (Even if he was a man of the law he often did stupid things.) The police data base gave no real information on Winter and he found it strange.

Q-Why was there no naughty in the book near the end?
A-I felt weird writing about a newly turned 18yr and 20yr sex life. In my head my evil lil winter was still a baby LMAO.

Q-Was the police ever close to catching Winter?
A-No. Since he was so careful of his work it was rare they found anything, only once or twice did they find his shoe size footprint.

Q-Why was winter so emotional?
A-He was actually denied affection and love from a very young age. Once he felt Kevin giving it before taking it away in even the smallest form it made him panic. Either he had it or no one would.

Q-Did Smoky go fast?
A- Yes. She did pass quickly after getting shot near her heart by Dean. I LOVE animals so I was angry at myself for killing her off. Boooo me.

Q-What happened to the gym teacher Mr.Sam?
A-The two students that found the crime happening testified against him of what they saw and he got sent to a very dark prison for years to come.

Q-How fast did this all happen in the story world?
A-Truthfully this story happened in a short time frame of about 2 months give or take. Crazy world.

Q-Will there be a part 2?
A-Not likely since I suck at keeping up with pt.2 stories. I always want to just start another new one right away. 

Q-What happened to Drake? 
A-If you care....he went back to school and lived a shitty life with a crocked nose. 

Q-Did Kevin ever notice his missing gun?
A-Yes. It was his weapon even when off duty. 

Q-Did Kevin actually end up arresting Winter?
A-.......Yes he did. He locked him up and threw him behind bars. NOW if Winter stayed there long or not, is a secret.   

Q-Was what they had even real love?
A- Thats for you guys to decide.

Well guys that's all for now! If you have any more questions feel free to post them and I'll get to them when I can. I hope you guys liked the book and VOTE on it. This book was impaired by my friend who loves twisted killer love stories. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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