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It was Saturday and I glared at Lion as he showed me the outfit I had to wear for this mission. It was too open and showed too much skin. It was also my birthday present he spoke of before. I snatched it out his hand and went to his office bathroom to change. After changing and cursing through the door as I heard Lion snickering, I made sure my phone was on vibrate in case Kevin calls me.

When I exited the bathroom, Lion let his eyes run over me without shame. I rolled my eyes at him as I fixed my lose button down short sleeve shirt. the top buttons were broken of. I made sure my ripped black jeans shorts were clear of any lent. I felt like my ass was hanging out. I fluffed my hair up as I ran a hand through it.

The office door opened and Crude entered with a folder in his hands. He handed it to a still staring Lion before looking me over. A small smirk worked its way on his face. I flipped him off before he said anything. He only laughed before leaving out first.

I had to wait at least ten minutes before entering the building when this all started. I grabbed the pocket knife off Lion's desk and made my way out his office and house. My driver was one of Lion's and was as quiet as a mouse. I didn't really care since I don't need to talk with him. His presence was surprisingly calming as we road in silence. The ride was at least thirty-five minutes and parking was terrible. I made sure I got the conformation text from Crude telling me he arrived before exiting the car.

I made sure I had cherry lip balm on before walking into the building the was too tall for words. I waved at the security as I grabbed a visitor pass and showed my fake ID. I made my way to the crowded elevator and road it to the twelfth floor. When the doors opened, everyone flooded out including me. I surveyed the area than started making my way to my waiting point. I checked my watch and seen my target would be here in two minutes. I leaned against the windowsill and looked over the view. It was truly beautiful for such a small city.

The sound of the elevator doors opening again gained my attention. I glanced at the scene and saw a beautiful and wealthy woman exit the elevator with grace. Seconds after a man built like a truck exited after. That was my target and the woman was Crudes.

I turned fully to the window and took my phone out for a picture. Timing it just right I took a step back and bumped into the guard. I dropped my phone as he caught me so I wouldn't bump into the woman. He stood me back up straight and picked my phone up off the ground. I noticed he was slow standing back up as his eyes ran up my legs. I moved them nervously as I held a panic look on my face. When his eyes reached mine I could see him gulp. He was handsome but I didn't feel what I felt with Kevin.

I took my phone from him when he stood up fully. "I'm so sorry! I swear it was an accident!" I turned to the frustrated looking woman. "I swear I'll make it up to you miss! I-I'm so sorry!" At this point I was causing a scene.

She held up her hand cutting me off from saying more. "It's fine no harm done." She made a head motion and started walking with the guard.

I made sure to lock eyes with his as he followed after her. I gave him one last worried look while biting my lip. When they were fully out of sight I texted Crude he could make his move in two minutes. It shouldn't take long for the guard to come back out here to check on me.

I forced myself to pace back and forth just for the cameras. Before two minutes were even up I could see the guard strutting to me. I stopped pacing and gave him a surprised look when he stopped before me.

"Are you still mad? Am I in trouble?" I asked in a rush making him smile.

"No, I was coming to make sure you were alright."

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